Friday 16 December 2011

Finished work and a very busy and sad week.  My Grandad died yesterday.   Not totally unexpected, he was very old, he was in poor health, in a nursing home and he wasn't happy but it is sad nonetheless and hard for my Granny. She has lost two sisters and a husband in two years.   I never expected to have grandparents as a grownup woman in my forties,  and when one of them dies a little bit of your life goes with them, that childhood bit when grandparents are the best thing ever moves further away.  So a funeral  in the gap between Christmas and New Year.  
This is my favourite pic of him, from the summer of '81, he would only be in his early 60s.  
Taken on my Kodak Instamatic, one of the few pics I have off that reel that isn't blurry and out of focus.  He often sat in this squat position when he was working.  The green structure was his budgie shed.  Other memories include various bizarre DIY fixes around the house involving tape and string in strange places, him telling us not to eat out granny's sweets, calling granny 'Sal'- her name is Mabel, and reading out bits of The Mirror of The News of the World and then going off on an anti Thatcher rant.  When our family used to visit and we all sat in their tiny living room, he would always sit on the hardest chair, away from the TV so everyone else got a better seat.  More than anything he was a stubborn old bugger.
sib blog


  1. What a nice tribute to your grandfather Kerry. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Oh Kerry - I am rubbish at times like this, but I won't shuffle to the other side of the screen and avoid eye contact x

    Love to you and your family, he sounds like a wonderful man xxx

  3. So sorry to hear your sad news Kerry. Thinking of you xx

  4. I am sorry for your loss Kerry. He sounds like a wonderful grandfather! Sending you and yours lots of love xx

  5. You are right about how odd it feels....when your life as you have always known it is altered. I am sorry for your loss.

    Know that that oddness isn't always painful. There will come a moment when you laugh out loud at something because it suddenly tickles a memory and you will be glad for the warmth and depth it brings into your life. Those memories become sweeter and sweeter as time passes. I pray they only bring you joy.

  6. So sorry for your loss, especially at this time of the year. Cindy's comment above touched me too. How right she is.

  7. So sorry to hear of your loss. Grandparents are so precious. Such a difficult time of year too. Please know you'll be in my thoughts and prayers. xx

  8. So sad to hear of your loss. Losing someone is never easy, even when that someone was old and sick. I never knew either of my grandfathers . . . it was nice to hear a bit about yours.

  9. Aww, sorry to hear about your grandad (((((HUGS))))) My great aunt died yesterday too, and although she hasn't seen her in several years, and they weren't really close (as granny is in Stoke and Auntie Jean was back in Strabane) my granny is still taking it hard.

  10. Bless you all, I'm really sorry to hear that honey. Ill keep you in my thoughts
    Hugs xxx

  11. "Grief shared is grief diminished"-- Rabbi Grollman

    Your blogfans are here for you, sending you warm wishes.

  12. I am sorry for your loss, but happy that you did have your granddad in your life for so long.

  13. Kerry I am so sorry for your loss. Great memories of your Grandad and a lovely smiling picture. I lost my Grandad last year and I'm still reeling. You will be in my thoughts x

  14. So sorry for your loss -- I know just what you are going through. My maternal grandmother died when I was 9, my paternal grandfather died when I was 20, my maternal grandfather died when I was 31 but my paternal grandmother lived to 102 and she passed away in 2005, when I was 55. She was a treasure and we were very close.

  15. You posted such a sweet tribute to your granddad, Kerry. So sorry for your loss -- but happy for you that you had this relationship and will always have these memories. I wish you and your family the best!

  16. So sorry for your loss. It is really hard. Praying especially for your granny.

  17. Here's to cherished memories and the love of friends and family to help you through this loss. Sending a hug across the many miles. xoxox

  18. He sounds like quite the grandfather---your family's loss is heaven's gain. Big hugs from Oregon.

  19. Aw, Kerry... I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart and prayers go out to you and to your grandmother. I'll be thinking of you and sending peace and healing your way. Take care.

  20. i am so sorry to hear this kerry! you are in my thoughts and prayers. it is so hard to loose a loved one even if it is somewhat expected and to loose them around the holidays is even more difficult. i am so sorry for your loss and hope that you are able to feel peace.

  21. Kerry, so sorry to hear of your loss.
    The photo is wonderful and captures his spirit! I like to think my departed loved ones are in a better place : )
    Hugs to you, my dear.

  22. Sad news Kerry but it sounds like you have heaps of great memories of a real character!

  23. Sad news for you and your family. I wish you strength and hope that the special warmth of this time of year will support you and all your (and his) loved ones during this sad time.

  24. Sorry to hear of your Granddad, Kerry. Thinking of you and sending a hug!

  25. Sorry to read this! Sending you and your Granny lots of love. So difficult to be left behind at that age!
    Very special picture and a great way to remember him!

  26. What sweet, sweet memories, Kerry!! It sounds like he was a joy, despite his stubborness!!

  27. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news, I hope that soon you will be able to remember him with a smile rather than tears and that your granny copes without him. Take care xx

  28. Death is never easy even when it's expected. I'm glad you have some lovely memories and pics to hold on to of your Grandad! This is my first Christmas without my Nanny (the last grandparent to pass on). It will seem stange without her. Hugs to you and yours, Jxo

  29. I'm sorry for your loss Kerri. Thank you for sharing those treasured memories with us. That's a great picture of him. Sending hugs to you. xo Erin

  30. Loved the story and picture of your Grandfather. So sorry for your loss.

  31. Aww sorry to hear your sad news. Although a lovely heartfelt tribute to him in this blog post. Always sad to lose those we care about and some how that little bit worse when it so close to Christmas.

  32. Dear Kerry
    So sorry for your loss. It is never easy to lose a loved one, but you have so many great memories and you were so blessing to have a grandfather into your 40's. Thinking of you!

  33. Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my last remaining grandmother this year and even when it is their time to go, it doesn't make the loss any less poignant. I hope you have good time with your family to remember him.

  34. Sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and you family.

  35. Kerry, what sad news for you this week.....

    But what lovely words and a lovely tribute to your Grandad in this blog post. It's easy to feel how much he is loved through your words.

    Be kind to yourself over the next few weeks, and don't be surprised when sadness and joy unexpectedly merge - that's OK..... x

  36. Oh Kerry - I'm so sorry for your loss! Thinking of you and your Grandma during this time....

  37. I'm so sorry to read this Kerry...
    I can imagine how you feel so many condolences and your and your family will be in my prayers!!!
    Hugs, Dany

  38. I am so sorry to hear about your loss, Kerry. Sounds like your granddad was such a great man. That is a nice picture too. You'll be in my thoughts.

  39. So sorry to hear of your granddad's passing. It's especially hard to be grieving at this time of year. Hugs and prayers to you and your family, and here's hoping that you find as much joy as possible this Christmas despite the sadness on your heart.

  40. I just found your blog and I am SO, so sorry to hear about your loss. Hugs to you and your family.

  41. I'm sorry you lost your Granddad. Wonderful that you had him in your life for so long, that's very special! Best wishes to you and your family!

  42. Just catching up on blog reading now and so sorry to hear about your Grandad, Kerry. You were lucky to have had him for so long - I lost my grandparents in my teens. Thinking of you and your family.
    R x

  43. I'm so terribly sorry to hear about your Grandpa. Thank you for sharing a little bit of him with us. I'm sending good thoughts to you and your family.

  44. so sorry to hear about your grandpa kerry. he looks like a really hard worker and sounds like he was a very generous and caring man.

  45. Sad news Kerry. I am sorry for your loss. It does feel like an unexpected gift to have grandparents into your forties, doesn't it? I lost my last remaining grandparent last month and I must say it has brought on a lot of reflective thought for me. At 99, he too was very old and very lonely. It makes me happy to imagine he and my Nanny together again somewhere nice. It was very hard for him these last 5 years without his wife of over 70 years by his side. I hope that your Gran is close by for frequent hugging and story-telling.

  46. Sorry to hear about your Grandad. My Grandma passed away in October in much the same situation except I think she was pretty happy. I'm going to go look for my favourite picture now too, thanks for the idea.

  47. I'm so sorry to hear about your granddad. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  48. Thinking of you Kerry. My grandma passed away earlier this month too and although she was in her 90's, she was my last grandparent so I am feeling a great sense of loss for that part of my childhood also.


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