The banner is based on an simple 9-patch H and O block joined together and could be easily adapted to make a Ho Ho Ho quilt, place mats- use your imagination!
Sizzix Dies
Using the dies, cut:
21 x 2 1/2" squares in red prints
12 x 2 1/2" squares in green prints
9 x 2 1/2" squares in white
12 x 2 1/2" Half square triangles in green prints
12 x 2 1/2" Half square triangles in white prints
You will also need:
3 pieces of batting/wadding each measuring 7 1/2" x 13 1/2"
3 pieces of backing material each measuring 6 1/2" x 12 1/2"
2 strips 2 1/4" x width of fabric (42") for binding
Seams are 1/4" throughout.
1. Pair white/green half square triangles. Sew together along diagonal, chain piecing the pairs for speed. Press open to make 12 half square triangle corner squares for 'O's.
2. Arrange white/green corner squares and all other squares to make HO HO HO. Each letter is made up of 9 squares. Sew together as a 9-patch block (3 rows of 3). Join H blocks to O blocks to make three HO blocks. Blocks should measure 6 1/2" x 12 ½".
3. Place each HO block onto batting. Quilt as desired.
4. Place backing and HO block right sides together. Sew around the outer side and lower edges, leaving the top open. Trim batting back to seam. Clip corners.
5. Turn through and press. Zig zag or machine stitch along the top edge of the block, 1/8" from edge.
6. Join binding strips together along short edges. Press seam open. Finished length is down to preference. I used a 60" strip. Press strip in half along the length. Open out. Bring long edges in towards centre fold and press. At each short end, fold raw edges in by 1/2", press.
Find the half-way point along the length of the binding and mark with a pin. Place the HO that will be in the middle of the banner between the binding: the pin marking half way should be between the H and O. Position each quilted HO within the binding.
Pin, clip or use temporary glue to hold in place, Clover Wonder Clips are perfect for this.
Repeat with other HO's either side with approx. 1" between and long binding ends at start/end. Sew 1/8" from folded edge of binding all the way along sewing through all thicknesses. Yay, finished! Hang up and get ready to celebrate!
Sizzix are offering an early Christmas present to one lucky person (UK and EU residents) with a Big Shot machine and 4 patchwork dies up for grabs. Go to the
Sizzix competition page to enter and be in with a chance of winning, closing date Fri 29th Nov 2013.
You can revisit all the other steps of the blog hop at these lovely blogs:
18th Nov-
Katy - I'm a Ginger Monkey
19th Nov-
Hadley - Flying Blind on a Rocket Cycle
20th Nov-
Carolyn Forster
21st Nov-
Angela Southey
22nd Nov- here!