Today is my birthday and it is a big one, 40. I am trying not to think about the 4 decades bit too much and some lovely pressies from Damian and Lula have already made it a lovely day and it is only 8.10am. I'll post more some pics later when the light is better but in the meantime, my present to you to celebrate my birthday and 100 posts is a GIVEAWAY!
Would you like 3 FQ- American Jane vintage style polka dots, Alexander Henry 'Orchard' from the Farmdale range and a cute tea and jam Japanese print?
Would you also like a vintage apron in the most amazing fabric?- I think I would cut it up but it is not for me to decide!
It looks even better close up
Leave a comment, leave your email address either in your profile or in your comment and tell me about a birthday present you have received or given, good bad or inbetween. Extra entry if you are a follower. I will choose a winner random number style. Giveaway closes Wed 13th Oct, winner announced 14th Oct. Good luck to you all x
****4th Oct- I have noticed quite a few entries have no way of contacting a potential winner, please please please include an email address for contact, if I can't get hold of you how can you win? If in doubt, check your profile to see if your email is available****