Friday, 18 May 2012

Bloggers Quilt Festival 2012

It is that time again, when Amy at Amy's Creative Side hosts and organises the Bloggers Quilt Festival.

Amy's Creative Side
 If you haven't been here before, welcome, I am Kerry, I love vintage, scrappy and paper piecing and that leads me nicely to my entry; 'Vintage Notions'.

vintage Notions Modern Mini Quilt Entry
This mini quilt is pieced in a variety of ways.  The centre sewing box is a combination of foundation paper piecing and freezer paper template pieced.  All the spools are freezer paper pieced.  There are a zillion Y seams- practice, practice, practice  these to get them licked!  I made it to showcase the sewing box block that I designed for the brillian Sew Out Loud quilt a long and as a teaching aid for Fat Quarterly retreat where I am running a couple of sessions on Y seams.  It feels like there is a bit of everything in this quilt...
Vintage Notions close up
Machine quilting, hand quilting, rouleau loop, vintage button and  many favourite fabrics, all with a faded, old sewing box feel.  'Vintage Notions' is all about how the old can inspire the new.

I have this rolled up and in my case for the retreat.  You can find the free sewing box pattern here - I am off to see more quilts!
sib blog


  1. Love this one Kerry! Good choice!

  2. Oooh can't wait to see this at retreat!

  3. Fab quilt Kerry! Looking forward to see it at the retreat!!

  4. Absolutely fantastic choice! Love this little baby!

  5. I love it, so scrummy! I hope I can make something like this once I've had a few hours with you!

  6. Kerry, your attention to detail always astounds me. Love this sweet mini so much and am sad I won't be at FQ retreat to see it (and meet you!) in person.

  7. What a fantastic quilt! Gorgeous!!!!

  8. i love this one soo much! you are so amazing and i agree with krista, your attention to detail is perfection! xoxo

  9. I love this quilt - I wish I could see it in real life!!

  10. yup, it's still amazing! Love it!

  11. I still love this. You are so creative!

  12. So glad to see this in the Quilt Festival -- it is so lovely and so very Kerry :)

  13. so cute and clever - you rock!

  14. Oooh I am going to see it for real!!

  15. Oh, Kerry! This is so cute! I love your fussy cutting. It's quilters like you that have me looking at novelty prints with different eyes.

  16. This is so very cute!! Love it!

  17. So lovely and creative. I wish I was going to the retreat and taking the Y seam class. It is one method that has me licked so far.

  18. This is so fab, can't wait to paw over it at the retreat (sorry, handle it lovingly and caressingly...) Y seams still make me twitch though ;o)

  19. Lovely to see close ups of this delightful quilt - sorry I won't be able to see it in "real life".

  20. What a fun mini. I love it.

  21. So cute! Really great inspiration, I'd love to do something like this for my sewing room.

  22. I adore your vintage notions! The overall quilt is so cute and all the details in the block are just precious!

  23. Great choice & looking forward to seeing it in real life :)

  24. Wow!! This is absolutely gorgeous!! So many sweet details, and beautiful fabrics. The retreat attendees are so lucky they'll get to see it in real life.

  25. Love your quilt!!!!! and you know I love spools

  26. The detail you put into this is amazing!

  27. Love this quilt, it's stunning!!

  28. I love vintage notions, and this is such a clever idea. I love the box and the amazing border. I'm just jealous, and wish I had thought of it first :)

  29. wow - your project is something else! SO FUN!

  30. this is so sweet Kerry and I love all the fabrics you used to make the sewing box. good luck at Retreat and sorry I can't be there to meet you x

  31. I think this beautiful quilt represents you very well, the theme, the fun composition and the patient and intricate piecing, all in fun and pretty fabric. Love your style and your designs ; )))

  32. What a fun and fantastic little quilt. So enjoyed looking at each piece of it! Thanks for sharing and have a great day

  33. What a charming quilt. Very impressive Y seams. THanks.
    Come visit my antique and repro entries (64 and 85).

  34. This is lovely! I love all the vintage prints!

  35. What a cute littel quilt, I really love it!!

  36. This is absolutly amazing! very pretty am very jealous of your talent and patience

  37. This is just so amazing! I'm both so envious and so inspired by your work!!


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