image to the book version because the foundation paper piecing pattern is not reversed on the CD.
Fabric credits:
The accompanying letter for this block is a rather sweet read about community theatre groups and worth checking out.
I precut my fabrics to foundation piece this block. The dimensions below will give you some wiggle room and are approx ¼" bigger than they need to be.
Rotary Cutting Dimensions
A2, B2, C2, D2: cut (4) 2 ⅛"squares in green
A1, A4, B1, B4, C1, C4, D1, D4: cut (2) 3 ½" squares in peach. Sub-cut each square along each diagonal corner to corner producing 4 quarter square triangles for each square. Yield= 8 QSTs
E1, F1, G1, H1, : cut (1) 3 ½" squares in yellow. Subcut each square along each diagonal corner to corner producing 4 quarter square triangles for each square. Yield= 8 QSTs
A3, B3, C3, D3, E4, F4, G4, H4: cut (4) 2" squares. Sub-cut each square in half along the diagonal, producing 2 half square triangles for each square. Yield= 8 HSTs
For the remaining pieces, E2, E3, F2, F3, G2, G3,H2, H3, use freezer paper templates and this method.
When it comes to sewing the sections together I find it easier to remove the paper and draw in any points where the seams need to meet precisely before I pin them together using this method.

Top tips for this block
- Pre-cut all pieces
- Use a water based glue stick. I use Sewline, to stick the first piece of each section
- Chain piece sections
- Mark in seam allowance where needed to accurately join sections
- Pressed section seams to one side
- Flatten seams with Flatter or similar light starch spray
Mrs Smith, is a block of many pieces, but they do fit together in a relatively straightforward manner- even if it does take a long time to piece! Hannah of Quirky Hannah is guest blogging for this one, pop over to read her account. This is my version:
Fabric credits:
Lori Holt for Riley Blake, Flower Patch, Flower Berries orange
Riley Blake, Fancy and Fabulous Breath in mint
Darlene Zimmerman for Robert Kaufman, Grandma's Garden, spring
Here are my nine patch blocks as a little side line- using fabrics from the quilt along with Robert Kaufman Carolina 1" gingham.
Lori Holt for Riley Blake, Flower Patch, Flower Berries orange
Riley Blake, Fancy and Fabulous Breath in mint
Darlene Zimmerman for Robert Kaufman, Grandma's Garden, spring
Here are my nine patch blocks as a little side line- using fabrics from the quilt along with Robert Kaufman Carolina 1" gingham.
Remember you can:
- Hashtag #fw1930sqal on Instagram and add photos to the Flickr group if you like to share there.
- For individual blocks, you can use #MrsMorganblock and #MrsSmithblock on Instagram, Fat Quarter Shop and Angie are using these hash tags, #fw71MrsMorgan, #fw72MrsSmith - I'm using both hashtag systems.
- You can also copy and paste links to any blog posts you do on these blocks in the comments and I'd love to visit and take a look.
Chase is back to guest blog next Monday. She has actually completed her 99 blocks and they look amazing, so colourful! You can see them in this post.
I love the stars in the centre of each block - different yet providing a link between them.