Thursday 14 October 2010


An enormously large thank you to all who took part in my birthday giveaway, you helped me over the hurdle of 40!  There were also more of you than I ever dreamed and you know there can only be one winner- the random number machine picked 12
Congratulations to Isisjem- Jan who has been a follower for a while and left a funny story about a weird birthday present she received- I have emailed you Jan x

The news has been dominated by the amazing rescue of all 33 of the Chilean miners.  It was so moving to see the reunions, the families just bursting with relief. 

 Another news story I heard this week had a sewing theme, seamstresses in Russia machining inflatable life size rocket launchers and radar stations to act as miltary decoys.  

They look incredible, for more pics and the story- see here.  
They are cheap, light (no storage problems here!) and the fabric fools enemy radar systems.

And to end a random  and jumbled post, a chair of recent vintage lovelies.

There are 98 of you following,  I still remember the very recent past when I checked my counter several times a day only to find it had increased from my own visits and no one elses!  Thank you to you all for taking the time to read bits of my sewing life, send me messages and comments and be there as inspiration too.   I love blogs and blogging and can't imagine sewing without it x
sib blog


  1. Thank you! for your lovely blog..-x-

  2. I also like your blog, especially when it features vintage designs and fabrics. On that note, I enjoyed today's last photo!

  3. Love your blog, and I thought you might want to know that in addition to the Google Friend connect (blogger) followers, you also have 125 followers on the regular Google reader (which I personally use and is different from the Google Friend thing ... So that's actually over 200 followers!! Keep up the good work!


  4. :0) Congratulations Jan! Can't think of a nicer person to win :0) bravo!


Thank you for taking the time out to leave your thoughts, I do very much appreciate you stopping by! Blogger is not sending comments through by email at the moment so I'll reply in the comments.