Wednesday 8 January 2014


The last week has involved crazy weather,

limited sun in the form of fabric,
back to work- theme of 'light' so what better than a bunny nightlight,
And packing away of all that was Christmas, except this little beauty from Amy.  This one stays out as a 'Winter' decoration.
All pics from my Instagram feed.  I am @verykerryberry.   I have just bought a bridge camera so once work settles I hope to be taking some fresh photos with something other than an iPhone.
sib blog


  1. Adore those sunny fabrics and what a cute light!

  2. Truly crazy weather! Hope work settles quickly for you, we're certainly having back to school blues up here! Love your sunny fabrics x

  3. I'm glad it will work as a winter decoration since I missed the boat on Christmas! xo

  4. Shh... Don't tell anyone, but I think I'm getting "old." I know blogging, email, Facebook and Flickr, but I have only the vaguest understanding of Twitter and Instagram. I don't really understand what they do or how they work, and this reminds me of my mom not knowing how to work the VCR back in the '80s... :-(

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  6. Those sunny fabrics are so cheery! Just what we need

  7. Replies
    1. I second Sandy, she sounds like she knows stuff!
      I lurve the bunny, think I need one for easter so cute!

  8. Yup, that Sandy's got her finger on the pulse ;o) Love the bunny :oD


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