Monday 14 April 2014

Fashion Revolution Day: Heads Up

I recently had an email from Laura of Behind the Hedgerow, Abby of Things for Boys and Celina of Petit a Petit and Family, asking me if I'd like to take part in a  blogger's version of a virtual flash mob on 24th April as part of Fashion Revolution Day.  Read more about it here on Laura's blog.

Fashion Revolution day is about asking the question, "Who made your clothes?".  Its about thinking about the supply chain which is a provocative subject in itself, and raising awareness about a sustainable future within the fashion and clothing industry.  A big task but encouraging debate and thought, even just your own individual ponderings has to be a good thing.  As crafters we are all aware of what goes into making an item- bags, quilts, etc and can apply that awareness to clothing.  We must all be able to recall that uncomfortable feeling when we walk into a shop like Primark, and many others and see T Shirts for just £3 and wonder how can they be that cheap without exploitation somewhere along the way?  Part of the reason I make my own clothes is to do with taking more responsibility for my own consumption of goods.  

I do not claim any great ethical stance here, I know that the supply chain in quilting cotton is complex too but I know that I made most of my clothes and I had to think carefully about making each item, weigh up the cost, time, materials involved.  I also still buy cheap stuff sometimes when my daughter needs stuff.  Its all complex but we can still think about it and consider what we are consuming and whether we really need it.

Fashion Revolution Day Handmade

 Taking part is easy: all you need to do is wear an item of clothing- be it handmade or otherwise- #inside out (hashtag for sharing), take a photo and share via blog, twitter Facebook etc.   Handmade is especially welcome as one of the pleasures of sewing your own clothes is the attention you can give to the inside with a little floral binding or a contrast facing.  If you only make clothes for your children you could always photograph an item of their handmade clothes inside out on a hanger.    You can make your pledge here or just take part in some way on the day.  Find out more here.

And why 24th April?  Its one year since the collapse of the Rana Plaza textile complex in Dhaka, Bangladesh where over a thousand people died and many more were injured.  Enough said.

sib blog


  1. It is a really complicated Topic. I have to confess, that we by cheep stuff too and Close the eyes, because we all know, that the cheep things cannot be made fair. It´s always good to get reminded to think about it more and more. Thanks for this post!

  2. It's something I struggle with on a regular basis. The need for clothes for my growing children, balanced against the budget I have available. Part of the reason why I have gone back to making my own clothes. In fact I blogged my Lonsdale dress progress today. Somehow I don't think my nearly 17 year old son would be keen on home made jeans!

  3. Phew, for a moment there I thought you were actually flashing on the 24th ;o) I think if I can embrace sewing with knits I'd make a lot more of my own clothes, but my work wardrobe is entirely black trousers (winter)/linen trousers (summer) and fitted t-shirts with long or short sleeves. I do buy Fair Trade ones though...


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