
Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Simple Folk Sun

I'm still plodding away on my Simple Folk quilt (Sarah Fielke's Block of the month 2018) and the end is most definitely in sight, although on the journey I do make the odd error...

This is the correct sun, the one below was the wrong way up on the background!  Fortunately, all the facial features were sewn to the text fabric only so a quick unpick, reposition and the mistake was remedied.  

I changed the face on this design, the rays are Sarah's original pattern.  The appliqué features are all lawn fabric- they had to be for my sanity, those skinny seams!  I'm now using Aurifil 80wt thread for all my appliqué now that I've got a good range of colours, the stitches really do disappear.  I have two more animal border blocks and the corners to complete before all the blocks are sewn.  I've started joining some sections so I can see it coming together!  I'm aiming for a January finish...I'm just searching out a longarmer!


  1. I love your sun block! Can’t wait to see it all come together!

    1. Thank you Nicolette, I really enjoyed adding those extra details!

  2. Your sun looks fabulous, Kerry! Do you really find lawn easier to work with for tiny applique? I'd think it would be too slippery and uncooperative, although I get what you mean about having to jam less bulky seam allowances beneath the skinny applique shape. I tried the 80 weight Aurifil but I put too much spin on my needle when I'm hand stitching or something -- even with beeswax or Thread Heaven, that thread still kinked up and knotted and broke for me, until I finally gave up and went back to the more expensive, stronger, but just as invisible silk thread.

    1. hi Rebecca, I find the lawn makes a huge difference. The fine weave frays a lot less especially on very small or skinny shapes. With the Aurifil 80wt, I use shorter lengths- from inner elbow to my longest finger length to keep it smooth and stop it wearing by being pulled through for each little stitch. I haven't tried silk thread, I bet it's lovely!


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