
Sunday, 9 June 2019

Sunday Selection: A Catch-up & Some Stitchy Things to Discover

There's been too much stuff going on for my liking.  I like a quiet life, no drama and lately, we've had a family member's newly diagnosed health issues to deal with and my work commitments have been intense during the same period so a usually calm little house has been hectic.  It's settled down now, said family member is doing well.  In between events,  I've recently found some wonderful sewing links, reads and listens that I wanted to share and I thought this could be a regular thing every other Sunday?

So starting with the links, Love to Sew is a sewing community podcast run by Helen Wilkinson of Helen's Closet clothing Patterns and Caroline Somos of Blackbird Fabrics which usually focuses on garment making, but a recent episode featured Alexa Abegg of Ruby Star Society and formerly Cotton+Steel fabrics and creative collaborations.  It is a fascinating listen, especially for quilters who are so familiar with Alexa's work.  She shares her journey as a fabric designer, how she became a part of Cotton+Steel at RJR fabrics and how she and the other designers moved into being Ruby Star Societ, her artistic work as a collaborator both long distance and closer to home, plus a lot more- Listen here.

Blog Read
I've been following Lizzie Bramlett (Fuzzylizzie) At Vintage Traveller blog for years.  She's a dedicated vintage clothing collector and former teacher who shares her finds and nuggets of fashion history information.  This post on the Dress and Home Workbook is a gem.

Jeana Kimball is a quilt maker and teacher.  I first came across her work through her amazing needles when I was piecing the Jen Kingwell Bring Me Flowers quilt.  I use her Straw needles for hand piecing and applique sizes 10 and 11.  She has an Instagram account @jeanakimball where as well as her amazing work, she often shares wonderful hand piecing tips, well worth a follow, especially if you like to sew by hand.  I'm enjoying her current posts on back basting applique. 

The block pics are my latest Sarah Fielke 2018 BOM, Simple Folk.  I'm slowly working my way through the outer border blocks...


  1. Sorry to hear that things have been so stressful lately, Kerry. I hope your family member's health issues are manageable and/or will be short-lived. Thanks for the podcast recommendations -- and your SQUIRREL is adorable!! I've been wanting to do one of Sarah Fielke's BOMs for the longest time. Also I have that tail fabric in my own stash, would never have thought of using it that way but it's brilliant, especially with the plaid squirrel tummy fabric. Happy stitching and here's hoping that next week marks a return to equilibrium.

  2. I always enjoy these kind of posts, a few gems to read. x

  3. thanks for introducing me to Jeana Kimball! I hadn't found her before. Glad things have settled down now and all is well with loved ones xx

  4. Так здорово получилось! я с удовольствием рассматривала квадратики в вашем одеяле, белочка прекрасна! ))


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