
Sunday, 12 April 2015

The Three Fs: Family, Fabric and Food

Family, fabric and food.  That's been my last couple weeks away from work and at home for the Easter break.  Fabric for my nephew, a hot water bottle and cover (his request) for his birthday.  He loves blankets, warmth and quilts and he always checks out the fabrics and details.

I've made a few of these covers and they make a lovely gift.  Old fashioned but welcome. 
Food, most of it cooked by my daughter or both of us cooking together.  We made Easter biscuits- recipe here,

Simnel cake, recipe here.

Trips to the beach when weather permitted.

And time with family,  local and up North.  

Back to the old routine tomorrow.
sib blog


  1. Love the hot water bottle covers. Do you have a pattern for them?

  2. Sounds pretty perfect to me. I love cooking with my girl. This holiday has been taken up with far too much revision for my liking!

  3. It looks like a wonderful fortnight!

  4. Love the hot water bottle cover. Much better than wrapping a towel around it. Your pictures of the beach are beautiful.


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