
Friday, 8 August 2014

Craftsy Sale and Recommendations

I have mentioned Craftsy classes many times, the ones I have used I rated highly and for learner dressmakers who either can't afford shop classes or don't live near that sort of service I think they are invaluable.  They are having one of their many sales at the moment- I don't think I have ever bought a class at full price!  


Classes I have used included, 'Sassy Librarian Blouse'  I liked this because of the exacting nature of Christine's approach.  The pattern was OK, great if you like a 60s vibe  but what I really enjoyed was the precise nature of her sewing- e.g. for me it was a master class in tucks, sewing a very rounded collar and top stitching.   Many of these steps are covered in real time and you can see exactly what she is doing and how she does it. It is a bargain at the lowest price in the sale- £9.50 or $14.99.  
I have mentioned Meg McElwee's 'Sewing with Knits' class a few times here as well.  This is my go-to for a long sleeved T and is a great place to learn about knits with or without a serger, on sale at £12.50/$19.99.  This class comes with five PDF patterns to print out.

If you want something more technique based and at an intermediate level, I have bought Joi Mahon's Fast Track Fitting.  I have used it a bit in making alterations, especially to arm holes and sleeve heads and it is useful on bust fitting too- not completely comprehensive but a good starting point to making fitting adjustments.  £12.50/$19.99.

Another technique even geeky class which I really enjoyed and watched in episode instalments was 40 Techniques Every Sewer Should Know, Gail Yellen.  This is a tips and tricks class, great info on top stitching, interfacing, curves, difficult fabrics.  I liked it a lot. £12.50/$19.99

This is a promo post, I am a Craftsy affiliate so if you click these links and chose the class I do get a benefit but I only recommend what I know and like.  There are other Craftsy classes I have been tempted by but I have found them too expensive and haven't tried them!  I think around £15 is my upper limit on this sort of online class.  I do recommend that you check out the class reviews before you buy a class as I have got a good impression whether a class is worth buying or not from this.  If you haven't been on Craftsy much before, there is a lot of free stuff via their community pages- either Indie designers offering free patterns or blog posts with patterns, techniques and more.

sib blog


  1. thanks for reminding me about the fast track fitting class - I've been meaning to sign up for that one for ages. The sale is a nice incentive!

  2. Spot on - especially the bit about reading class reviews.
    I have bought only two classes - a knit t-shirt class by the Tilton Sisters and a tank top with fabric & pattern. In both cases, the pattern (paper) arrived within a few days.
    I have done several 'free' classes with mixed (good, interesting, technique could use some help) reviews.

  3. I do love their sales, I just wish I remembered to actually take the classes lol


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