
Sunday, 30 June 2013

Just in time: Google Reader

The last day of Google reader (I will miss it) so don't forget to switch all your reader blog favourites over to bloglovin or feedly.  You can follow me on either- the buttons are on my right side bar.
Last chance to win Zakka Handmades- click here.  Winner announced tomorrow here so you will need to get your blog reader sorted!
sib blog


  1. I'm following you on both, but have decided to go with feedly. How did you get the feedly follow button?

    1. You can find the feedly button info here and I've added the link to my blog tips page

  2. I decided to go with email ~ but for some reason I can still get you on my reader today July 1, don't know why, but it's still working.


Thank you for taking the time out to leave your thoughts, I do very much appreciate you stopping by! Blogger is not sending comments through by email at the moment so I'll reply in the comments.