
Wednesday, 24 April 2013

To Boston:Send a whole lotta love

You all know about the Boston tragedy.  I listen to the radio all the time and last week I had to have a radio free day as I couldn't take more of the news.  But last night, I heard this story about Adrienne, a ballroom dancer who lost her foot in the bombing.  Her optimism was profound and pretty humbling and many listeners texted in to say how moved they were by the interview. 
There is a collaborative textile project co-ordinated by Vancouver Modern quilting guild.  Anyone can contribute be it in a guild, group or as an individual.
You will need to make a simple flag (instructions on size, colour and binding tie here) and get it in the post as soon as possible.   Any questions, contact Berene- you'll find her email details on the same link.  All the flags are being assembled at the Vancouver Guild at the end of May so yours need to be sent to Amy Friend well before this and the shipping address is on the link (scroll to the bottom).  That doesn't give us overseas stitchers much time so I am starting mine right now.
sib blog


  1. Thanks for sharing this. I think I have a new project for the next few evenings.

  2. I am definitely sending a little love from Scotland - thank you for the heads up!

  3. I'm hoping to get a flag done next week

  4. Thanks for sharing about this project! I'm the president of the Vancouver MQG and I've been overwhelmed with the support we've received from all over the world! I can't wait to see all of the flags hanging in Boston!


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