
Monday, 11 February 2013


 Eternal Maker is so packed full of fabrics that sometimes I can completely miss a designer or fabric that I have never seen before.  I have had my eye on that Kinkame bus print for a while- sorry I bought the last piece as a bolt end and it is a treat.  The Kinkame cute spotty animal print is still in stock and at a ridculously cheap sale price, £3.74 for 1/2 metre.  Naito Shoji is a new name to me.  Japanese fabric with the most wonderful colour palette and mix of florals, cuteness and dotty patterns.  The flower stripe and bubble design have other colourways too.

Topping up on a few basics.  Timeless Treasure sketch is incredibly useful when you want a block of colour but not a solid.  Lipstick and Citron are two I have used a lot of recently.  They work together well and citron is a great mixer for Chicopee.  Polka dots are forever useful. The orange on cream dots can be found here and the lovely Lecien big spot are here
If you are feeling random, go check the bolt end section out, there are some bargains to be had and such a range from Linen/cotton Echino to nylon to silk.   And for you tech types out there, I wrote on the pics using Notability and a cheapo stylus on an iPad, a very handy app indeedy.
sib blog


  1. I just love sketch, it is just the ultimate blender. Thanks for the tip re the Citron - I have a lovely bundle of Chicopee and it's good to know which blenders I could chuck in there too x

  2. Hi,

    I became member 1126 of verrykerryberry. Real nice blog, I just love reading it. I just started a blog myself and I am very clumsy with it. Someone out there who can learn me how to enlarge the pictures in the blog-part? Have been trying like mad, nothing works. My pics refuse to grow bigger.

  3. Thanks Kerry, I would love some fabric treat now! Have a great week! x teje

  4. Gorgeous fabrics, I love the hand written photo labels!

  5. I think I am coming up with a Valentine's Day plan for my day off with hubby!

  6. Oooh, fab selection there, you enabler you ;o)

  7. Cute fabrics -- and now I'm off to download yet another drawing/note teking app for my iPad! :-)

  8. Loved hearing about those Japanese prints! A friend gave me some of the black one with animals, but I had no idea where to buy more. Thanks for that info and for telling us about that nice app. And yes, Sketch is such a great, great fabric!


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