
Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Posting at Purse Palooza

You can find me at Sew Sweetness today as part of  Purse Palooza. It is all about this little bag...
and there are chances to enter giveaways and read other purse/bag related posts - go take a look!

sib blog


  1. your purse is so cute!i've had the book in japanese for a few years now and was a bit intimidated by that.i've always wanted to make this bag and now after seeing yours and how the strap and back go i think i'll add it to my to do list :)

    1. You do have to scrutinize the pictures to work out exactly what is going where but with your bag and purse making experience it will be a breeze!

  2. Saw this yesterday over there, so sweet, and so very you!

  3. Such a sweet bag ~ I've got the book and need a small bag. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Enjoyed your post! Reminded me I had the book, so I better get started (o:

  5. thankyou Ulla, it is always fun putting the fabrics together on a project like this

  6. Love your take on this bag, Kerry! As always, you rocked it with your fabric choices and precise stitching. Will go have a look at your review. Is that a store-bought strap? The whole thing is gorgeous.

  7. Oops. Just read that you re-cycled a strap, which i often do, too. Love the way you put the blue zigzag down the middle to tie it in with the rest of the bag. That also upped the zakka factor, though the bag was waaaay zakka already.


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