
Monday, 12 March 2012

Tova? Are you in?

A couple of Saturdays ago I was in town drinking coffee and munching pantone cake when I got an email from Leila on my phone.  Did I know the Wiksten Tova pattern was now available on download.
I could not get home fast enough.  I have wanted this pattern for so long but each paper copy was individually drawn and with shipping it was too costly for me to justify, and now here it was waiting for me buy and print in my own home.  I sent a little flurry of tweets and emails to others who I knew would be waiting for this.  And then last week whilst making the Wiksten tank top the idea of a Tova sew-a-long came to me.  I emailed Jenny Gordy, the designer behind Wiksten and she loved the idea so who is with me or am I to sew alone?
The button is at the side if you are ready to dive in.  If you haven't done a sew along before, here's how it works.  You will need to buy the Tova pattern and fabric to sew your Tova.  The download includes all  available size options.  I will run a series of blog posts over two weeks covering the main stages in the pattern and a few extras like making the sleeves full length and altering the collar to give you more options.  You can sew along with the posts, you can rush ahead and finish by yourself or you can wait until everything is finished and make your Tova in the future.  It is a straightforward pattern if you haven't sewn many garments and there are no zips or buttons.  Let me know if you are interested.   I will do a post on fabric choices mid week and start the action from Wednesday 21st.   You can post any pics in the Wiksten Flickr group and the sew a long can finish with a linky party to share your Tovas!
sib blog


  1. This is such a great idea! I have never sewn clothing before, but of course that didn't stop me from buying this pattern so I can dream of one day doing it. This sew-along will be just the motivation I need to make it.

  2. Yes! This is awesome, I'm definitely in! : ) I bought the pattern a while ago (which means I'm kicking myself for not waiting on the PDF download), and was planning to start it soon!

  3. Brilliant, l have held off from buying this pattern as l am new to sewing clothes.
    It was always on my list of patterns to buy when l can sew better.
    I would love to read your sew along and hopefully then feel confident enough to give it a try.

  4. Thanks for the info- I was having a hard time justifying the price but the down load is no problem- off to purchase and print!

  5. oh baby baby!!! i just bought the pattern! i am sooooo in! i am sooo excited. i have wanted to buy the pattern for so long too but didn't for the same reasons. so happy it is $10.00 and a pdf! thanks so much for posting this and i can't wait to make one right along with you!

  6. What a fab idea Kerry! If I can find the right fabric for another Tova I'll join you.

  7. Yay! I'm in. I just downloaded the pattern coincidentally 10 minutes before I read your post! :)

  8. I'm in! Thanks for hosting this Kerry! And just in time for Spring : )

  9. I'm in! I always learn so much from your tutorials. Thanks for hosting Kerry :)

  10. I'd love to join the sew-along. I haven't seen that top before--I love it too!

  11. I was put off by the price too but when I saw that it was downloadable I thought I might just have to get it, now with you hosting a sew-along there is no excuse! Just make sure you leave long enough for me to choose some fabric! Thanks

  12. Awesome! I couldn't justify to cost before, but like you, the PDF was in my mailbox before I could blink! I just might have to splurge on some liberty for this baby!

  13. This is very tempting! Thank you for hosting. I have purchased the pattern, and need to do some cutting and assembling, now...
    I might need to make a test shirt first.
    ; )

  14. Okay, I'm in. I've seen this shirt several times on blog and love it! $ 10 is definitely a good price!

  15. I am in! Just noticed the pattern had a pdf, and with your sew along, resistance is futile. Awesome idea!

  16. Oh, I really prefer this price!

  17. I'm soo tempted. Do you think it's doable for somebody who only ever sewn one piece of clothing (i.e. a skirt)?

  18. I'm in :) the .pdf was just too good to resist. Previously I couldn't justify the price for the paper one, especially not when I'm scared I may make a botch job of it. Now all I need is some toner in my printer.

  19. Oh how cool, I am in. I wanted to sew myself a new spring wardrobe anyways!

  20. Alas, I'm not in, as I realise I'd look like a walking potato sack (it's not the pattern, just the shape of me lol) but I'll admire all your efforts :o)

  21. Um.. I am attempting, but I am not sure if I can make this without the pattern to cut from. Do you recommend it without an actual pattern?

  22. Now last night I was 'umming and arghing about the Shearwater kaftan, now you may have swung me!

  23. You are not going to beleive this but I am cutting this fabric right now for the Tova! I downloaded pattern on the weekend! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up! Thanks for pulling this together.

  24. Just updated my blog post from today to point people to your tova sew-along! Let's all have wardrobes that include at least one Tova!

  25. Been wanting to make this!! With you helping, I am so in!!! Yay- just purchased it! Now to decide fabrics- that'll be the tricky part- I want a more light, springy feel :) Off to hunt!

  26. I went to look at the pattern and somehow it just jumped into my cart and ended up in my inbox before I knew what was going on ;) Now I just need to find the perfect fabric....I'm so excited!

  27. I am signing up. I have signed up for sew a longs in the past and never been able to follow the timetable. I hope I can fit this one in, I love tunics and would love to make one while having my hand held :)

  28. Got my pattern and fabric ready!

  29. Totally interested - just bought the pattern. Haven't sewn many garments (for myself anyway, just the kiddos). Can't wait to sew along!

  30. I love the tank top and think that would probably suit me better so I have downloaded that and will follow your sew a long in spirit but make the tank instead :).

  31. Just read about your sew-along on Ashley's blog (an avid follower of your blog, too :) Yes please, count me in! I've had the Tova pattern for quite a while... even joined the Wiksten group pool ages ago... must have been waiting for the perfect moment to get started. What a great idea.

  32. This will be a fun sew along, no pressure! Love her pattern too. Thanks so much.

  33. Wonderful idea! I've been interested in this pattern for months and am thrilled about a sew-along since I'm not an expert seamstress. :-) Thanks!

  34. I so want to say yes, but with so little garment sewing experience I can't believe I could do sleeves :-/

  35. I'm going to play along! I've made a Tova already, and have chosen fabric for another two, so it will be nice to sew along with everyone and see what other people make.

  36. Happy go Lizzie14 March 2012 at 01:58

    This sounds like great fun , in between our whim quilt along and our Hopscotch quilt along and our pretty little pouch swap .I have downloaded the pattern and will be ready to go . I tapped on the sew along button and couldn't get it to open anything for me . Will try again in a little while . I n the meantime I will get the pattern ready . Thanks Kerry . Let's Go!

    1. I have put a link to a page now for the big photo button and the button in the side bar has its own code- hope they work now!

  37. What a great idea! Came over here after visiting filminthefridge. Count me in! I just finished making the tank top (blogged on March 13)and I'm ready to start the Tova. Yay!

  38. I just made one Tova and I loved it, my only question is about the sizing as my first is too big, would love to know more about personalising the pattern. And I have fabric for my next one all ready!

    1. IIs you first too big all over? I would say that chest size is the most important thing in this pattern. I will be changing the sleeve length and the collar if that helps

  39. Yay, I'm in! Have my pattern and my fabric arrived today :)

  40. Fabulous! I have made one already and have one cut out and ready to go. I love this pattern!

  41. yay kerry! thanks for the pdf tip off & sew along - just downloaded my tova. woot! finally, nova is going to have a tova ;) x

  42. I just read about this via film in the frige and the timing is perfect as I've been thinking I would love to make a tova so I would love to join in too.

  43. I'd so love to join in this sew a-long. Just have to wait for the stupid wrist surgery to be over!! Will definitely be following your progress and making my own when I can.
    Love your fabric choices for this Kerry.

  44. Sounds great! I downloaded the PDF a few days ago and found some Lisette Lawn in my stash to use for a wearable muslin, so I'm in. Not sure where to click -- the button on the top right has code in it and the big one in the middle doesn't do anything when I click on it. I'll give it another go tomorrow.

    1. I have redone the button Lucy- copy the html code and paste into an html gadget or html on a blog post, hopefully that should work. The big button should take you to the Tova page where I will put all the post links for each stage

  45. Thanks Kerry, the button to the Tova page works for me now.

    1. I am pleased, it was really bugging me when i couldn't get it to work!

  46. I just found your blog while looking for reviews of the Tova pattern, which has an uncanny resemblance to my most favorite shirt ever from Anokhi in India. I would LOVE to do a sew along since I have some sewing experience, but not much clothing experience. Any suggestions for affordable cotton lawn fabric for this project?

    1. It depends where you live Miranda! i find I can buy lawn locally at a reasonable price but the patterns are not so pretty as say Liberty. Maybe the Lisette lawn is an idea, a few people are sewing with that.

  47. Oh, after a quick chat with Leila I was dithering about buying the pattern... now you've convinced me! I am wondering about using my precious Free as a Bird (Cut out and Keep) fabric for it.

  48. Count me in! I just bought the pdf pattern today (I couldn't really justify that much money for a pattern with myself!) and I can't wait to get started!

  49. I have changed the collar, made it thinner and rounded the ends, I will show what I did on the next post

  50. Bought my pattern, bought my fabric, had my baby, lost some weight = need new tops! Can't wait to get sewing!

  51. I could resist no longer. I am in!

  52. I am in! I have had the pattern forever and finally just received some voile for my first! This sew along is perfect timing, thanks! Just debating lining the voile or not...

    1. I am just finishing my voile version, I did a double thickness placket section which worked very well and left the rest as a single layer

  53. I bought the pattern about this time last year and have been afraid to sew it thinking I would screw it up but with this sew a long I will take it step by step with everyone else. YIPEE, cant wait to get started.

  54. Hi is the pattern still be sending out too purchase? as i can not download the correct size and would love too send for it ? thanx love the site sew a long seems great too renee

    1. Hi Renee, you will need to buy the pattern from the Wiksten shop- the link is in the post above. The single download comes in two size options and you will receive them all. I hope that makes sense!

    2. Renee, I wonder if you mean the pieces are not designed to print on the right size paper?? Jenny now has an A4 version - my computer still thought it was for 8.5x11" but when I selected 'auto rotate and centre' it printed perfectly on A4.

  55. I've never done a sew-along before but I'm going to give it a try! I've already got the pieces cut in muslin for a test run - does making a toile count as sewing-along?

  56. I'm in. Have my fabric. I'll download the pattern today. This will be my first garment!

  57. I'm in! It will be my 4th Tova so I'm really curious about your suggestions. Fun!

  58. I'm not sure about this now a few of you mentioned you can only download 2 size options. Being big busted, I am a XL top & M bottom, so was hoping to be able to taper the pattern between the sizes & not have it as full. Might have to give this pattern a miss, RATS! :(

  59. I just bought the pattern and still downloading it. I've never join any sew-along before. Hope I manage to follow along with the rest...

  60. Just starting sewing again after 15 yearish break and I think this might be exactly what I need - so will be ordering the patter

  61. I am having some difficulty printing this pattern onto A4 paper .... I have selected no scaling but it is printing out with a border around the pattern - the pattern pieces don't match right up to the edge of the paper, if that makes any sense? Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong, please?

  62. I trimmed my borders to print out to fit together, printers don't like to print to the edge of the paper ( I was printing on A4)- the key thing is to match up the diamonds. I trimmed to the line the diamonds were on if that makes sense

  63. Thank you! I just realised I could check the dimensions of the key box and they are perfect :D so off to start cutting and taping my pattern now

    1. Hannah, I'm having the same trouble as you - what dimensions did you use for the key box. I can't tell if my printer has printed at 100% :S

    2. Hi Lara, the key box measured 6" across, 7 13/16 height for me. Hope that helps

  64. I've just bought this pattern and its lined up as my next sewing circle project. Just have to pick my fabric - love love love it!

  65. finally finished previous sewing project so now need to order material but I'm in

  66. finally finished previous sewing project so now need to order material but I'm in

  67. sorry but the button seems to go to a flicker page - can you let me know how to get the html code for the button

    1. Sorry the button code had corrupted. A new button with fresh code is up ready for you!


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