
Monday 5 December 2011

Petal Pillow with a Pocket Pattern Giveaway

Thankyou for the well wishes, it is working, nearly better.  Meanwhile a giveaway...  Nova asked me to pattern test her first commercial pattern and knowing her style I said yes straightaway!  A great concept, Dresden style pillow/cushion with a pocket.
My version is for my granny.  I am on pretty safe territory when I say she won't be online so I can show her Christmas present without a spoiler alert.  A back view, shame I got the Alexander Henry Orchard print apples were upside down but the zip was well and truly in by the time I realised.  The pattern gives instructions for an easier envelope back.
All the fabrics are chosen with her in mind.  She loves gardening and flowers and birds and still tends her garden.  Lecien Grandmother's flower garden print with the green background and the pink version for the pocket.  The petals are a mix from my stash, new and vintage.  The Annie's seed catalogue print was especially good, Green is our family name, so that petal couldn't be more appropriate.
This is my Leila style pose- Hi Leila!
I added some hand stitches to random petals and echo quilted around the edge of the petals.  It is such a pretty result, I would be very happy with this myself but I know that Mabel will really enjoy this.  I doubt the is going to be putting quilting booklets in the pockets- I was thinking Mills and Boon, tissues and a pop sock.   It is a lovely pattern with clear instructions, plenty of tips, photos and lots of detail for making two versions- pointy petals and round petals.   I made my pillow a little smaller than the 20 inches suggested as I had a 18 inch pillow ready and it all worked beautifully.  There is room for playing around a little- I made my pocket a bit smaller too so I could show off more of the petals.  Nova is selling the pattern here but, one lucky reader here gets to win a freebie.
To enter the giveaway, please tell me what would you put in the pocket, 
Extra entry if you follow me
Extra entry if you follow Nova
I need your email either in your profile or in your entry- this style is good 
kerrykit at yahoo dot co dot uk
 or check if you are a no reply blogger with no visible email here
I won't be replying to these as technically it is a competition and I guess I shouldn't.  I will draw a winner Friday morning so entries in by 6am GMT Friday 9th Dec, random number  choses the winner.
Good luck x
Edited to add- a winner has been drawn, comments are now closed
sib blog


  1. I would put a little doll since my 2 year old granddaughter loves them and it would look so cute.

  2. I would put tissues in there for all the weepy films I watch and weepy tv shows and occasionally even weepy adverts - gosh I'm a wimp!! Hope that's a big pocket!!

  3. Ok~ I think I'd put a magazine in it==or maybe knitting needles!

    Lovely pillow-lovely job! And the upside-down apples look fine!

  4. I'm a follower of yours!

  5. I am really stumped with what to get My mum for Christmas and then will have the same problem in February when it's her birthday so I'm make this cushion cover and sneak some money into the pocket so she can treat herself to something fun.

  6. And I follow Nova which you probably don't know :-)

  7. i'd put a hoop with some embroidery thread hanging out :)

  8. I would have to make 2, and the pockets would be destined to hold teeth for the tooth fairy; I think the girls will be needing her soon!

  9. I now follow Nova - fantastic cushion xxx

  10. I would keep the television remote in that cute pocket!

  11. The pocket looks like a perfect fit for my kindle but knowing my daughter she would probably nab it and put a doll or stuffed animal in it.
    Hope you are feeling better.

  12. I´d put some candy in it :-)

  13. And of course I´m a follower of your blog!!

  14. Great pattern! I love your version and I'm sure your granny will too!
    Surely all grannies like chocolate???

  15. I am a follower!

  16. I would put my extra pair of reading glasses in the pocket since I'm always looking for them.

  17. Great pillow! I follow Nova!

  18. Very cute pillow! I think I would put tissues or a magazine in the pocket (or both!)

  19. I'm a follower of your blog!

  20. I would make this for my sweet granddaughter and put a book in the pocket.

  21. I'm a follower...nice photography on this post!

  22. I follow NOVA too! She's created a lovely pattern

  23. I don't know what I'd put in the pocket! I suppose a snack wouldn't be a good idea?? ;-) I like the idea of putting some tissue in there though.

  24. i would put my notebook and pen in there, for inspiration flashes!

  25. Love this cushion Kerry, beautiful fabric choices as usual!
    The pose is too funny, you nailed it down to wearing the skirt and everything! Next we have to make SK totes just so we can do the 'sniffing an apple' pose ;-)
    I would love to win a copy of this pattern, I have no idea what I would put in the pocket though!

  26. I follow your blog, more of lurker really I hardly ever comment ;)

  27. Great cushion! I'd put my ipod in there so it would stop falling between the settee cushions!

  28. i think my daughter would shove her daily devotions book in there...reading material seems like a great idea anyway..

  29. What a great idea and I love the fabrics you have chosen especially that Lecien one. Because I am now on my third cold this Autumn I think I would be keeping tissues, paracetemols and cough sweets in that pocket!

  30. I love your version of the pillow! Would love to be included for the giveaway. As to what would be in the pocket if it were me...why a sneaky bar of chocolate of course!

  31. I also follow Nova through bloglovin...:)

  32. What an adorible pillow. I am a follower. Please include me in the drawing.

  33. As to what to put in the pocket...I'm thinking it would be great for a teen slumber party how about an MPS player or Ipod and ear buds. OR if you are more nerdy the latest novel you are reading. OR you could make it a pocket for the tooth many possibilities.

  34. Hmm, I think my Kindle and iPod would go in there nicely :o)

    Thanks for the chance to win

  35. I'd put a stuffed animal in the pocket! :)

  36. I follow your blog in my reader. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  37. I will put a list of all the projects I need to finish, just to keep me focus!. Thank you for the giveaway!

  38. Kerry it is so lovely. Wish I were your gran : )
    I'd definitely put my glasses in there. Seems they are always falling off the shelf I have next to my bed and on to the floor.
    Tks for the give away!

  39. Oooh! I love this pattern! I'd make it for the lounge and store the TV guide and remote control in it! Or for my sewing room and keep a new quilting magazine in! Thanks for the giveaway!

  40. And I am a long time follower!

  41. Thank you for the giveaway. I LOVE this pattern! I would make two, one for each grandson, and load them up with packets of crayons, coloring books, and toy cars.

  42. I follow Nova's blog!

  43. I follow your blog!

  44. Oh, I love this cushion! I think I'd keep it for myself, leave it on my reading chair and store my current book in it for safekeeping! YOu have a gorgeous blog too - clicking now to become a follower and adding you to my google reader!

    my email is: lioness(dot)robinson(at)gmail(dot)com

  45. Cute pillow! I'd like to say that I'd tuck some hand-sewing supplies in there, but in reality it would probably be the television remote and some tissues. Thank you for the giveaway! :)

  46. t v control as it is always getting lost !!

  47. What a lovely cushion, perfect for hiding some sweeties perhaps?

  48. I would put in funny little notes to my daughter, as she slips them into my packed lunch box!

  49. I already follow Nova and love this pattern!

  50. I'll be following you too any minute now when I've done the link :-)

  51. I am following you now.
    I would put a fabric doll in the pocket.

  52. I'd put a little teddy in the pocket I think! But it would make a cute cushion for the tooth fairy! kerry_l_wilkinson(AT)hotmail(DOT)com

  53. And I follow your blog!

  54. I would put cash in the pocket for my college daughter and maybe a gas card too! thanks!

  55. Thanks for the chance, that pocket looks great for a book...and, of course I follow!

  56. I would definitely put a dollie in it. It is calling out for one right now, can't you hear it? ericandursula at embarqmail dot com This would be an absolute delight to win, thank you for the chance!

  57. I am a follower of yours. :) ericandursula at embarqmail dot com Oh, and I just thought the pillow would also be so lovely with little hand sewing supplies for trips and then the pillow could be used to keep you more comfy on those trips.

  58. I am also a follower of Nova's blog. ericandursula at embarqmail dot com ...and I have another idea, it could also hold my itouch I am hoping to get at Christmas (it's a long shot, but I am still hoping Santa thinks I have been good enough), and that would keep it super handy in something so beautiful! Or even for my oldest DD and her ipod.

    Now I am certain I need this pattern since it has so many perfect possible uses! I so hope I win!!!

  59. It would be a great place to hide a gift card.

  60. I would make some kind of holder to go in for a pair of reading glasses. Hubby is always losing his and it is nice to have them stashed all over. Very sweet pillow you made.

  61. You have a follower button now! I have become a follower.

  62. And I follow Nova's blog as well.

  63. I would make a pillow for my comfy chair and put a small journal in the pocket to sketch in.

  64. I am a Follower of Nova's. I love her blog too.

  65. I'd love to make one for my daughter, and I know she'd put her beloved Pooh Bear in there. I found you through Nova's blog... LOVE your test pillow!

  66. ... and I follow your lovely blog now too! Really beautiful. (and PS - I love that the apple fabric is upside down. I would totally do that too!)

  67. I follow you! sharon lozano at slozano5at earthlink dot net

  68. I love the pillow with the pocket. So many things come to mind to place in it...if you have a cold, put lozenges and tissues in it. But, what I would love to see in a pillow for me is a gift certificate to my favorite quilt shop. Thanks for the giveaway! sharon lozano slozano5atearthlinkdotnet

  69. I would tuck away some hexies for handstitching sessions!

  70. Oooh that is so pretty!! I would hide away chocolate and tissues for the next chic flic I watch :)

  71. I am a follower of your blog :)

  72. I am following Nova's blog also :)

  73. I am following you here!

  74. I would put a couple of little dolls in the pocket as it would be a gift for my little niece!

  75. I would put lip balm and some tissues.


  76. I would put a mini book in it for my daughter to find as a surprise. :)

  77. I'd hide chocolate in the pocket!

  78. I love Nova's style! And this pillow pattern looks so good!! Your pillow is so pretty it's making me want to make mine too!

  79. i would keep all my secrets in the pocket.

  80. Mh maybe a little sketchbook or candy :)

  81. a wonderful pillow. I would make one for my little one so she can stuff her toys and animals in there. If I make one for me I'd put some tissues in there - nice place to hide them.
    epost at franzihome dot de

  82. I would put my crochet hook in this little pocket.

  83. I am a follower.

  84. I would put a little lavendar pouch in the pocket!

  85. I love this pillow and I would put in that little pocket my candy while I'm watching tv. Thank you.
    larisasbh at yahoo dot com.

  86. Beautiful pillow. I love your choice of fabrics. I would make them as gifts with a handmade card in the pocket.
    cutekipepeo ( at ) gmail (dot) com

  87. What a lovely pillow, I'm sure your grandmother will love it!

    I'd probably stick a book or some knitting in there - or maybe the remote control!

    ecw279 at nyu dot edu

  88. I would make one for my granddaughter, so she could put her secret treasures in the pocket....Love it...

  89. I am a new follower of yours. Love the idea of the pocket. I think two young ladies I know would love it with a little doll in place.

  90. Oh...I really do like dresden designs :)
    I would probably make it for my daughters room and slip a new book in the pocket for her to find!

    mandy dot ueda at gmail dot com

  91. How cute! I would definitely put my favorite quilt magazine or book in the pocket. That way it is always there with my favorite pillow to curl up and read.

  92. Very cute! I would put little notes in there for my husband. Or I would make him one and he can put whatever he wants in the little pocket (probably would end up being his cell phone!)

  93. I would put my reminders list in the pocket!
    jowynj at blueyonder dot co dot uk

  94. I'm a follower of your blog.
    jowynj at blueyonder dot co dot uk

  95. I follow Nova
    jowynj at blueyonder dot co dot uk

  96. How cute!! I would put a pattern in it with some needles,sizzors,and thread so the person would maybe start another one of their own to pass on,the more the better who get involved in these to share their love of quilting. Then again give one to my nephew who is away at colledge with some gift cards in it,for whatever he made need. Thanks for the idea.

  97. Hi,Thank you for offering this giveaway here at the Holidays, it will make a nice gift for someone. I would hide extra cash in the pocket covered up with the pattern. Thanks again and Happy Holiday to you and yours.

  98. I'm following you! :)
    I think I would put my hands in the pocket to keep them warm while I watch a movie... ;)
    Thank you!

    ofelialamejor at gmail dot com

  99. Hi:

    I will put in the pocket a little poupurri sachet.

    My email:


    Costa Rica

  100. I think this would make a great gift for a young child (like mine) - to put a small doll or stuffed animal in the pocket for naptime.

  101. I would keep my Nook in the pocket so that it would always be ready for reading. Thanks for the great giveaway.

    Cindy L

  102. My daughters need some jammie pillows to store their jammies in and this would be perfect!

    mommy.2kidsnc at yahoo dot com

  103. I think I'd put a little dolly in it for my daughter. Great pattern!

  104. That is soooo cute! The pillow would be nice to have on my bed with my Bible in the pocket ready for me to read each night!

  105. It looks so gorgeous! I need another handmade gift for Christmas for my daughter. She would put her favourite little teddy bear in there for sleeping at night time with her. How sweet it would be, lexilucas@

  106. Love the pillow. Glad you are feeling better. Can't think of a thing for the pocket, but i'm not really a pilllow person. My first would go to my grandmother-in-law, she just loves pillows on her living room couch.

    ebbtide45 at yahoo dot com

  107. i think i would hide candy in it like life-savers.

  108. I would put some warm socks in it. When I get tired and have cold feet I can`t sleep so I always need warm socks.

  109. ... and I follow Nova as well.

    Warmest regards from Germany, Michelle

  110. I would put little stuffed hearts to hand out to the great grands - I would tell them they were special wishes of love. Judy C in NC

  111. I have become a devoted follower so please count me twice. Judy C in NC

  112. Lovely cushion! The pocket would be very handy for storing tissues for those winter colds. I might even hide some chocolate in there if I can keep my daughter away, who would be desperate to put a dolly or two inside!

  113. Of course I follow your lovely blog!
    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  114. i would make it up and use it for a tooth fairy pillow for my daughter!

  115. Oh, I just love that pillow pattern! I'm a follower of your blog.

  116. I'm also a follower of Nova!

  117. Well, so many wonderful things you could put in that pocket. I'm thinking a little bling, a little chocolate, a little stash of $s would do nicely!

  118. So sweet! I'd like mine with a gardening catalog in the pocket, and some seed packets of morning glories and four o'clocks! Thanks for the opp!

  119. This is such a great pattern would love to have one to make up for my grand daughter.

  120. I love the hand stitching you included! I'd use my pocket to stash sewing supplies, since I tend to sew a lot while sitting on the couch.
