
Thursday, 10 November 2011

Showcase mini

I have another showcase for you, just mini, and a little bit Christmassy too!  First, Kris made this mug from my Freezer Paper Piece Mug Rug tutorial.  Now, Kris doesn't know why it loaded sideways on Flickr, but just turn your head a little to the right- and you can see her mug and saucer- she choose lovely reds for this.
And Connie has made my Scandinavian Christmas tree pattern!  This is the first one I have seen so I was very excited to see this on Flickr.
Christmas tree .....
Connie has put a great mix of scraps in, the shapes and fabrics remind me of Christmas presents  all stacked up!  I think a lot of you know that teaching is my day job, I think it must be in my blood- my parents and aunt were all teachers.  The patterns and tutorials are all part of my teaching side, I just love to see your work, gold stars all round!
sib blog


  1. I'm not a proper teacher but have been teaching
    p & q for about 8yrs - nothing to beat the joy of seeing my projects created by others in so many varied styles - it's magic. I love it when a design is tweaked and something is added or changed, and the satisfaction of seeing someone "flower" from sometimes a non-sewer to a quilter!

  2. Very red and festive! Love them both - you are right to be proud of your students and obviously your patterns are easy to follow so gold star to you too!

  3. And maybe a house point as well?!! I love seeing the variations on your patterns!

  4. Kerry, gold stars right back at you, thanks for the easy-to-follow tutorials!


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