
Monday, 3 October 2011

Birthday stuff ♥

Just in case you haven't entered yet, my birthday mug rug giveaway here
I thought I would share the crafty bits of my birthday with you.  Damian excelled himself- he made this card, the funny thing is I found a sewing machine image on my computer this week that I didn't remember using but wasn't sure, it was the source material for this!
You can't see but there is a heart cut in a third section, he is such a honey  x
He also got me these, Kei Kerchief ladies- so hard to find, I had to pounce on them on Etsy, and the linen blend paper fabrics, also Etsy.  My big gift was an overlocker which I have to spend some time with.  I have watched and eye popping DVD that accompanies it with the most annoying music but I can't wait to make jersey clothing for me and Lula.
Ayumi made me this incredible mini quilt and matching pincushion, I can't tell you how much I love it. Every fabric is calling out to me!
And this beautiful stationery set was from my lovely friend Kathy, beautiful hand printed cards- the salutations one cracks me up!
I am a lucky, lucky person.
sib blog


  1. oh wow, beautiful gifts lady, very lucky, but deserving. :)

  2. What a happy day!!! Lovely gifts. Good luck with the serger. I've not been brave enough to go that route.

  3. Lucky lucky you!!! Glad you had a great birthday, that Ayumi eh? Always excelling herself! Beautiful mini :-)

  4. What lovely gifts! I have been thinking about a serger every now and then. It would make clothing sewing so much more professional. The mini quilt is perfection. And your birthday card is extra special.

  5. What beautiful gifts! Belated Happy Birthday :)

  6. 'Lucky lucky' is not adequate for these beauties!

  7. Happy birthday, and congratulations on your new overlocker! You're going to love it, and it's really a snap once you get used to threading it.

  8. Gosh, Damian is such a sweet hubby for you! I thought the Christmas card he made for you can't be lovelier, but his cards are just getting better and better! I'll have Joe take a look at to inspire him. The only thing he has ever made for me is a ring made of receipts from grocery stores lol! You deserve lovely things, Kerry!

  9. Kerry, happy birthday!..such a lovely set of presents you got...
    I just wanted to thank you for the information about the stamps you use, I was inspired and got a set and really enjoy the stamping!

  10. happy, happy birthday (if belated). i saw Ayumi's gift and was (more than) a bit jealous. and you got an overlocker, too? that will be so fun! enjoy playing with your new toy :)


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