
Sunday, 21 August 2011


Grey, or if you prefer gray- so desirable in fabric yet not always so in hair.  Men seem to have an easier ride with this, George Clooney for example.  I was reading Florence's blog this week, Flossie Tea cakes, always a pleasure to visit, and she asked for thoughts on hair dye and grey hairs.  I have long hair and will be 41 next month.   I have no plans for shorter hair, mine will be long forever I think but I wimp out and get a few blonde highlights so my grey does not yet really show.  I was however inspired by the new Autumn Toast catalogue, big hair, big age range of models and beautiful grey hair.
This is a beautiful pose, almost like a painting and I hope my hair is like that in years to come.
I totally relate to this, my hair in style and colour looks like spaniel ears, especially on a damp day and it is a look I like!
And my younger 22 year old self used to rock this look- biker jacket and filmy layered skirt, it is going to cost me a whole lot more now than it did in the grunge days- the jacket alone almost £500, but very beautiful!  I have only ever bought gloves and handwarmers from Toast but I can be inspired for free.
Tales of grey are welcome- do share...
sib blog


  1. Oh I can't wait for a full on grey-fest - I used to be blonde as can be; having kiddies seems to have 'moused' me up and a few little greys are there if you look! Silver-surfers united!

  2. I think you blondes have it easier when it comes to grey hair. It blends in better than it does on darker shades. I found a few grey hairs and was quick to pull them out! I'm 32 and not ready for the grey just yet!!
    I do think a strand of grey looks sophisticated on women as well as on men. I'm hoping to embrace the grey and the wrinkles and all that good stuff. I'd better it's coming my way.. ready or not!
    oh and thanks for the Toast link, I didn't know this brand yet and I think I'm in love!

  3. Mmmmm, I'm just about to turn 43 -- which I still find difficult to believe. I was always the youngest in my crowd (no longer the case!), I was always an adventurous dresser (no longer the case!), and I always played with hair colour and styles, since I had good friends who were fledgling hairdressers (only the first still applies, I'm afraid, and I'm not nearly so daring as I once was). Ho hum. And because I have a lot on my plate (including 3 children, ranging from 2 to 17) I haven't had much time or energy to put into myself in recent years.

    One thing I *have* definitely noticed is that my colouring overall is changing as I get older, so the hair colours that I could sport when I was 21 don't look quite right anymore. It's a tricky business, aging is -- not bad but a little bewildering.

  4. When I was in my mid teens I thought it would be cool to have a shock of grey hair at the front of my head. I know what was I thinking? It didn't work out because I used a temporary dye not designed for the purpose I was trying to use it and as a result all the red natural highlights in my hair turned grey making me look like I was prematurely aging. I hate having to dye my hair but I think dark hair (and mine is naturally very dark) looks dull and horrid with grey streaks. Blondes def' have an easier time of it. Having said that I quite like grey hair if it's all grey in one go.

  5. I am 48 and from a family dominated with men. I am severly out numbered. When it comes to grey hair....I look at my brothers and am thankful that I have hair! As to it's color, I love to see people age gracefully. Once you dye your hair, you have to keep dying your hair. Not dying your hair could be seen as a nod to the rebel that you once were. If you wear it with pride (or is it plain disregard for what other people think?) and a smile just about anything looks good.

  6. I was never a rebel, but I stopped dying my hair about 10 years ago because I was having to dye it every 3 weeks just to keep the gray from showing. I didn't feel like the dying was good for my health or my budget so I stopped. It took 2 years to grow it out and longer to get use to seeing myself gray, but I am glad I did it. I was going through a time in life where I was searching for the real me and this was definitely a big part of that process.

  7. i'm not sure! i've always admired ladies who kept their hair grey, like emmylou harris. i have a few greys but they are still hidden for the most part. I have very long auburn/red hair and sometimes hair that is dyed red on grey can look not so nice so i think i lean towards the letting it go grey side of things. although i have a friend who uses henna on her grey hair and it looks really nice, so who knows :)

  8. thirty years ago when i was getting pretty much grey-haired, i had my long hair clipped - all i could think of was gravel gertie! [from dick tracy comics, a long time ago] in no time at all i was white haired .... it sparkles in the sun; for 25 years i've had nothing but compliments! i've discovered white hair has nothing to do with aging ... for i shall not be old until my eyebrows turn completely white, too.

  9. I'm 67, and still a natural dark blonde. I do have some grey and it makes my hair look frosted. I have a mother, now 89, who is "forever young", always tweaking her appearance and fishing for compliments. I vowed many years ago, to be natural, and I am. My hair is short.

  10. I've always had short hair, and started going a little bit grey in my late 20s - I have dark brown hair so it shows! I dyed it for a while, but after my boys came along, that was the least of my worries!! Now it seems to have stabilised and I have white hair at both temples - I rather like it! Sometimes it makes me feel a bit old, but like you I was really impressed by the the pics in the Toast catalogue - also there are similar older models in the latest Gudrun Sjoden catalogue (lovely clothes too!) it's great to see.

  11. I'm 43 and have enough grey hair that my hair stylist suggested I consider "going grey." I've got darkish brown hair, or at least that is what I color it to! I like the idea, maybe when I'm 50...? But 43 seems way too young for grey hair to me! I like it on other girls - but I'm not ready.

  12. I listened to an interview on radio national some months back with a woman who had studied the history and importance of hair dying, women and the concept of beauty. It was fascinating (or I am the supremely boring nerd I know I am) and what made it moreso was her decision to stop colouring her hair and the comments/feedback/concern she got from her friends and family. Curiously not dying her hair equated to her giving up or letting herself go, which I find quite revelatory.
    I have deliciously mousy brown hair and the grey around the temples and at the front are now too numerous to not see or notice.
    I stopped getting my hair coloured about three years ago but out of cost cutting rather than any ideological stance.
    But now I'm not so sure. My greys are a badge to my life, to the battles fought, won and many times lost. I'm kinda proud of them.

    That said, these last few weeks I've been toey for a major hair cut and funky colour. So who knows, maybe I'm just fickle.

    There's one shot in that Toast catalogue with the woman with wild grey hair which is pretty funny though.

  13. I pulled my first grey hair when I was 28 during my first pregnancy.
    Thisyear I'll turn 50 and I' grey, very grey. in all kind of shades.
    I died my hair for a few years, my pupils urged me to do this.
    But in the end I just can't bebotheredto sit for 2 hours (or more) at my hairdresser's!
    I have very easy hair: every 5 or 6 months I spend 15 minutes at the hairsalon now and that's enough.I hope I'll have really whitehair, I lovethatin a man ir woman. I think it looksso sophisticated (dunno why). But my mum had greyhair for along long time, which makes my chances for really white hair very thin.


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