
Friday, 22 July 2011

Growing uP

It was Lula's last day at Primary school today.  It has been an emotional week of farewell celebrations, memory books, t shirt signing and a leavers' assembly .  She was presented with the 'Academic Prowess' award and more importantly to her- a gift voucher.  Prowess is an old fashioned and slightly comical word to my ears but we sat and clapped as proud parents.  There was a projection throughout the assembly of photographs and events from the last academic year but what stuck in my memory was a quote from one of my favourite poets, e e cummings.
I had to make this tonight to mark the occasion for me as much as her.
A week off now, I definitely need it!
sib blog


  1. How lovely. And what big changes are in store for her now. Good luck to
    Both of you.

  2. Ooh that's lovely. It's important to make the milestones, and that quote sums it up very well. Enjoy your break - and hope you & Lula & you family have a lovely summer.

  3. That is beautiful Kerry x
    All this growing up is getting very emotional!

  4. Lovely!
    Great quote and I love your interpretation!

  5. This is one of my favorite quotes as well. What a wonderful remembrance of this special time.

  6. That is fantastic. Congratulations on an outstanding year Lula!! Off to the big time now! Have a great vacation.

  7. the growing happens so quickly for all of us. i'm a grown woman and feel a like teenager most days. watching my children grow is so emotional for me as it is for most parents. i love that you commemorated this special time in life with such creativity :)

  8. Hi Kerry
    My eldest daughter finishes primary school too at the end of this year. I appreciate the quote from ee cummings. Certainly something to remember as we tackle the next stage!

  9. I asked my grandmother once what she wanted to be when she grew up. She told me that she didn't know. She hadn't gotten there yet. Over the years I've found her words strangely reassuring for both myself and my children.

    She was 90 some years old at the time.

  10. That's beautiful, I am certainly relieved that the trauma of the end of term is over - enjoy your time off!

  11. I can`t believe Lulu is leaving primary school, I remember when you were pregnant! It`s making me feel old, but then again the saying is you are as old as you feel, and most days I feel about 10! Enjoy the summer holidays. Love Joan


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