
Sunday, 6 March 2011

Thank yous

My mystery quilt came from the favourite little quilt swap on Flick-just look at the wonderful colours!

 I have been working with similar colours for the Doll Quilt Swap 10, they really make my heart sing!  This was beautifully made by Jessica of Sewcraftyjess so a big thank you to her, it has a very happy home.

More thank yous, to Manda at Treefall for hosting a Fat Quarterly Magazine giveaway, I won a copy so thank you to the Fat Quarterly folks, it was the solids edition so some lovely eye candy to inspire future projects.
Thank yous going out to Leila and Justine, both of whom nominated me for a Liebster blog award-blog love to blogs with less than 300 followers.  My task is to pass this on- I know not everyone likes tags so if these people don't want to run with it, that's fine but here is a nice little intro to some blogs that may be new to you-
Ali at A Squared- a mathematical mind, great tutes, and 
Megan at Megsmonkeybeans- a great eye for fabric combinations, cute tutes, and the sweetest person!
Laura and Annie at Nimblefingersandsteadyeyebrows, two friends, two crafts, two cities- great blog idea! 
And a thankyou to all the followers, the quiet ones, the chatty ones- always good to hear from you, and the newbies for just joining! A gift for everyone,  David Armand from Fast and Loose is back with another interpretive dance,  Britney Spears,' Hit Me Baby One More Time'

sib blog


  1. I must say your doll quilt in progress is making a believer out of me, I'm converting to orange ha ha!
    Lovely mini you received, I have seen that pattern on a pillow before and always found it very pretty!

    x Leila

  2. Hi Kerry,

    Thanks so much for thinking of us, we're really thrilled! I've just posted up pictures of my first quilt- still a work in progress, but getting there slowly. Thanks for all your helpful tips, tutorials and beautiful inspiring quilts :)

    Laura xx

  3. Awww, you made me blush! Thanks for thinking of me over in my wee little crafty-land. Can't wait to see your doll quilt!


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