
Saturday, 26 February 2011


I started my little blog one year ago (yesterday) so happy birthday blog!  Lets celebrate!
It has been a very creative year and I have learnt so much and made great online friends.  I didn't realise just how good having a blog would be and it has really suited me.  I am hopeless with diaries but online it just works and I can think in pictures much better than words, it works a lot better for me!
So here are the goodies, a fat quarter of a Japanese bag print from my stash, called 'Country Style'.
It has the cutest selvedge- just looks at all the buttons showing the colours, definitely a selvedge to incorporate into a design and the print is so cool, lots of bag shapes, outlines and words.  And in addition, a Moda charm pack has been generously provided by Liz of Quilty Pleasures, a recently opened bricks and mortar modern quilting shop in Brighton with a new and developing website, a blog and an ebay shop.  I found Liz randomly on ebay and bought an EZ dresden, she was so helpful and has a very promising selection of quilty stuff that I know I will be back to buy more from her.   She has a great background in printed textile design, perfect for running a specialist fabric shop.  A big thank you to Liz for providing a lovely charm pack, 'Sugar Pop' from a new Moda designer, a different Liz,  Liz Scott.   

I can't tell you how nice this is and I can't even enter my own competition!  I don't get free stuff sent to me personally(but hey I would be happy to receive it...) I endorse stuff because I like it and I love this!  The fabric is made in Japan and there is a lovely balance of colours and prints based on sweeties.  Liz Scott is a former Spoonflower fabric designer and this is a great modern graphic range!
So to enter, how about telling me something interesting or unusual that you carry in your bag?  Here's mine,   I always carry this little Swiss card with hand scissors, pen tweezers etc.  You can't see it but there is a pin and a ruler too!  Very handy.  
To enter:
tell me what you carry in your bag- one entry
if you follow- put an extra entry in telling me you follow-two entries!
Open internationally.
If I can't find your email I will let the random number thing chose another entry.
I will not respond to these comments as they are competition entries but you know I love you all x  
I found a great and easy gadget for comment numbering comments here
Good luck, competition closes midnight GMT 8th March
sib blog


  1. I have a little pouch in my bag all the time! It has a travel sewing kit, a tiny screwdriver with a couple of extra screws (in case my glasses loose a screw!) and a couple of medicines, painkillers, antihistamines and such.Your little swiss card looks pretty nifty!

  2. Yay, a second chance to win that pretty fabric since I follow your blog!

  3. I follow your blog....may I enter?
    Julie xxxxxxx

  4. In my handbag - well......I carry as little as possible! Credit card, purse, keys and phone.
    Julie xxxxxxxxxx

  5. In my bag... there is a lot. It is a source of great amusement for my friends. The most interstig thing at the moment is my passport. I'm kidding myself it is because I need to be ready to jet set off at a moments notice... in reality I just picked it up and haven't put it away yet.

  6. Congratulations on your blogaversary!

    I always have my mini maglight torch in my bag - it is really useful for when one of the kids drops something between the seats in the car (which happens at least twice a week!)

  7. Happy blogaversary! I carry a miniature bottle of antibacterial handgel. It's how I know I'm getting older. When I was young it was all about money and cigarettes, now it's all about tissues and antibac....not at all rock and roll but essential when attending festivals and gigs at 'dives' :-)

  8. Congrats! And thanks for the shop link, too! I always carry a small can of spray deo. Not really sure why, but it's in there!

  9. I always carry a orange ball about the size of an orange; it is spiky and firm, and I sit on it, stuff it behind my lower back, use it to keep my stiff parts alive during movies/carrides/long hours of waiting/long hours of sitting.... it is always there, even though I may not use it; when it is not with me, I ALWAYS end up wishing, I had it at hand....
    congrats on your first year!

    dorte_dk (at)

  10. Oh I would so love to win these two beauties and will check out that shop - what a lovely prize! Congratulations on your one year! I agree with how much blogging brings - just wonderful. I have a swiss army ladies penknife that my Dad bought me when I was a teenager - it has tweezers, scissors, nail file. But more interestingly I have two sachets of ketchup in my bag at the moment because we bought too many in the fish and chip shop and enormous amounts of change because my son needs it for the machines at school and about 10 chapsticks because I can't get through a day without one and my kids always steal them and, my current favourite handbag item, a fish keyring my son made from some kind of plastic in tech. I'm also pretty proud of my handbag - it's new (to me) and cost me £2 from the charity shop - easily the best place to buy handbags apart from perhaps TKMaxx!

  11. I carry an OPI manicure set similar to your set. I has scissors, nail file, clippers & tweezers. I have used this set so many times I do not know how I ever managed without it before! Thanks for a chance to win!

  12. Congratulations on your blogaversary Kerry! What a great year it has been!
    I'd love to win those pretty fabrics of course :-)
    I just checked my handbag and it's pretty boring nothing exciting to be found in there, just my wallet, some paper tissues, lipbalm and my bicycle key.
    I read this article once about a woman that 'reads' handbags. Like you would with tealeaves, very funny. I wonder if after reading through our comments you're able to 'read' us all!
    Will go check out that shop now.


  13. I'm a happy follower. ( I want my two entries lol)

  14. Happy blog anniversary, Kerry! I'm really loving that charm pack too and the fabric you have it turned to is has a really lovely design and colorscheme.
    Ok, so in my bag, I carry lots. I'm always trying to go to a smaller bag, but it never works for long. If I'm going to the movies, I have a wristlet that Ayumi made for me that I carry my phone, debit card keys, and lipbalm.
    Otherwise, I've been using a bag I made which is coffee bean bag burlap as the outside and I love it. The most intersting thing in my bag? Probably the fabric store coupons I carry with me at all times because you never know when I'll need to make a pit stop and to always have a coupon for an emergency fabric store purchase is a very good thing!

  15. Hi!
    My bag is always full, it does not matter if it is a small or big one. Apart from the usual wallet, mobile phone, sunglasses... I always have some sweets ;-), and a small notebook and a pen (you never know when inspiration comes).
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. ..and now my second entry as a follower :-)

  17. In my bag I don´t carry very much. Keys, money, credit cards, phone and hankies! That´s it!

  18. And I´m a follower, too!

  19. I carry lots of coupons. They come in handy when shopping.

  20. Happy birthday blog!
    I carry in my bag as little things, but there is always a camera)

  21. I don't think I have anything in my bag that is unusual (for a mother of little ones at least)...crayons, a small stuffed doll, a wind up dinosaur, diapers, wipes, etc!

  22. oh good grief Kerry! I almost forgot my second entry to tell you I'm a follower. Whew!

  23. Happy anniversary!

    I am now carrying an erasable pen that my neighbor gave me so that when I do the Sudoku on the train I can clean up my mistakes!

  24. I love that Swiss card. I always carry bandaids with me. In a pitch it can distract my kids & stop the crying :)
    Would love to win....
    etsyteachermom at gmail dot com

  25. I follow you!
    etsyteachermom at gmail dot com

  26. Happy blogaversary Kerry!

    Love a chance to win fabrics. Checked my bag for something cool to tell you about and realised just what a mum's bag it is these days! However, I always carry my foldaway shopper in there. I'm helping the environment and saving a few pennies on every trip to the supermarket for goodies!

  27. happy blog birthday kerry!!! i used have a swiss army card just like the one you had and i used to carry it around with me too, but it got confiscated at the airport because i didn't think it pack in my luggage =( anyway, something that i carry that may be unusual... lately i've been carrying my wedding planning notebook with me everywhere. thanks for the giveaway! =)

  28. In my bag is a little pouch I won with my money and license, a mirror case and chapstick, tissues, paper and pen. Happy Blogiversary!

  29. Chance No. 2! Yippee I'm a Follower. Love your blog, so creative, fun and colorful!

  30. "Follow the leader... do as I do... and when I have my turn now at being leader it's over to you..."
    Ok that is a quote from the wiggles childrens entertainers (which I expect you don't have over there as big)to let you know that I'm a follower... which leads me onto my next comment...

  31. Recently I change some of my bad habbits and I don't carry anything special in my bag anymore:) now I have just wallet, some documents, lipstick, cigarettes and lighter - and that's it (my bag is huge, so I can this way easily find everything:).

  32. I am your follower and great fan from some time:)
    Thanks for sharing with this cute gadget for comment numbering!

  33. my handbag/nappybag is filled with boring childrens items... diapers, snacks, wipes, bibs... you get the idea. Oh I look forward to the day I do not have to cart that huge bag around. At least it's a pretty one :) LOL....

    Probably the only random things in there are "treasures" that my daughter adds - e.g. sticks, shells, clothing tags she finds on the department store floors, and things she tries to steal from her friends or shops - I tell you that girl needs to be frisked every time we leave a place... LOL... she is only 2 at least...

  34. It may not be interesting but I always have snacks in my purse, pretzels, peanuts, cereal bars. Thanks

  35. I'm a follower of your blog.

  36. Happy Blogiversary!

    Not sure what I carry in my bag that is unusual. I do have a little leather wallet that started off life as a manicure set but I added some decent tweezers and a sewing kit in the back. I also usually carry a USB mobile phone charger so I can plug my phone in to charge at work. It's no good taking a charger in because someone would borrow it and it would be gone for good. I keep meaning to make myself a compartmentalized pouch so I can carry stuff like card readers, and USB sticks more easily - If I'm feeling super organized I pop them all in a little zippy bag I made.

  37. Hi Kerry,

    Not unusual amongst knitters, but I always carry my knitting. And some arnica tablets in case my little ones have a bump. Happy one-year-of-blogging. Laura x

  38. I'm a follower too :-)
    Great giveaway - don't think I'll get lucky again though. I do have a slight bag addiction too.

  39. Small handbag, but included is a little packet of post-it notes. When I think of something I need to remember [often] I write a note and then stick the note on my pocket calendar page for this month. Then I will see it SOON.

  40. I am sure nothing in my purse is for fabric stores, gift cards, stray money floating around because I just throw my change in there, tic tacs, advil, lipstick.

  41. I am a follower and I love the name of your blog. It reminds me of Rainbow Brite!

  42. a book, lip balm, gum, cell phone... nothing exciting. happy blogaversary!

  43. i have so much in my purse... sooo much! diapers, wipes, hand sanitizer, wallet, lip gloss, gum, fingernail polish, phone, i could go on and on...

  44. i also follow you via google reader!

  45. Happy Blogiversary! :)
    My bag is a catch-all for random bits that come my way. Right now there is a small collection of pretty paint chips, a pair of fleece mittens, the requisite lip balm, hair clip for bad hair days, and a sheet of address labels. I hate getting to the post office and realizing I forgot to put return address labels on the envies, so now I carry them with me.


  46. Oh wow happy blogiversary! Please add me in; I carry a mountain of madness in my bag I haul it everywhere I guess the oddest thing is a big roll of parcel tape ~ I've been thinking of doing a what's in your bag post.
    Kandi x

  47. Ha ha I carry one of the Swiss Credit Card thingies too! I had one confiscated after 9-11 and ran out and got another. I use it all the time. I also carry a retracting tape measure that looks like a wolly black sheep. It is so darned cute that I bought it even though I already had a good pocket tape measure.
    Happy Anniversary!

  48. Of course you know I'm a follower!

  49. I carry my purse and keys, but my purse has stickers of owls and a cute picture of my and my boyfreind. Wouldnt be wothout it!

  50. Happy Blog Anniversary!!
    As for me and my bag, I seem to always have old shopping lists and reciepts galore in it. I have a small swiss army knife that has tiny scissors and I couldn't be with out it. I have a tape measure and a lipstick holder with a mirror that lights up so I can put my lipstick on my lips only, haha.

  51. I'm not sure how unusual these are but I carry floss picks in a ziplok baggie. You never know when you will need a toothpick or just be ready to floss. Is this gross (lol)?

    Happy one year of blogging.

  52. I always carry a HUGE bag full of anything I might need including but not restricted to sun block, aspirin, a brush, generally about 6 different packages of gum, 8 chapsticks, and usually a paperback!

    My purse is always a mess and also feels like it weighs 20 lbs!

  53. An essential item for my handbag is chapstick and iphone and little else.


    thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  54. I am a loyal follower!


  55. My bag is pretty sparse since I switched to a smaller bag so I could keep my back intact. but one thing ALWAYS there is my punch card for the fabric store. A full card = $20 free to spend in the store!

  56. I have a crayons from a ton of restaurants just in case we happen to go to one that doesn't have could get ugly fast if I'm not prepared! Congratulations on your blogiversary!

  57. I got tired of a messy bag, now I have my wallent, a zip-bag for "beauty", lipstick, nail file, lotion, a zip-bag for "medical", migraine, allergy; also one for business cards. Love those zip-bags.

  58. I carry this tiny trial size roll-on perfume bottle of Chanel Chance that is visually empty but still has its pretty scent. I know I should get rid of it, but I love it!

  59. I'm a follower. You have great tutorials. Thanks for the giveaway, and happy blogiversary!

  60. I always carry a tape measure!

  61. Congratulations, Kerry! It has been only a year? Your blog is very well established - can't believe it has been just a year!! And I have truly enjoyed knowing you and being inspired by your patchwork style!
    I just went to see if I have something weird in my purse and I found a stamp of my Japanese last name in the small pocket. Every time you do something very official at bank in Japan, you need your last name stamp which you used when you opened the bank account. It's a big trouble if you don't have the stamp with you when you are at the bank, so I've learned to carry it in my purse even though I am not in Japan anymore lol

  62. I follow you via blogger follower thing and google reader :D

  63. Happy blog anniversary!

    Probably the most unusual thing I carry is work gloves (the knit kind with rubbery palms). They're not pretty, but it's come in handy more than once to have something I'm not worried about ruining.

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  64. I have everything in my bag...its bad....very bad....but why does bad feel so so good when it comes to carrying everything I need...LOL

    Shannon Margaret


  65. I am a follower...... :)

    Shannon Margaret


  66. Happy blogiversary! I've seen your work all over flickr but am just visiting your blog now for the first time -- glad to be here :) Something unusual in my bag...hmmmm...gonna have to go look and see...ha ha! OK, so I don't *regularly* have these in my bag, but I just found those little squishy toe separator thingys they use when you get a pedicure! I threw them in my bag after my last pedi and forgot to throw them out. Hee hee.

  67. All I have room for in my bag is my keys, card case. Chapstick and my nook.

  68. how fun.. happy blog birthday to you. I usually carry tissue and lip-balm. And I always reach for both

  69. Congrats on you blog anniversary! I carry a tape measure! never know when that might come in handy!

  70. Oh, I LOVE that charm pack! and Brighton is not that far.....hmmmm :) The unsual item in my bag is a naff pair of plastic handles that you can attach to your carrier bags to make carrying them more comfortable (yes really, this exists!) My mum got it for christmas and regifted it to me...I've no idea why.... :)

  71. Always keep a small crochet to catch snippets of craft in my work day...should have hexies too...:) lipstick, notepad, purse (empty) business cards, toothpicks...haircomb, perfume...and often other rubbish, but i clean this out the fat quarter ..too cute..:) thanks for the opportunity

  72. I don't carry anything unusual in my handbag! I try to carry as little as possible. So just the norm...wallet, calendar, nail clippers, gum, lots of gum wrappers...that's about it!

  73. In addition to all the usual stuff such as diary, reading glasses, tissues, lipstick, phone etc. I always have a fan in my bag.
    This is because I now live in a hot country.
    I often have scraps of fabric too that I want to match up with either buttons or thread.
    Thanks for the link which I am going to check out now.
    Congratulations on your first blogaversary!

  74. I am now a follower, and it seems we have a lot of mutual acquaintances - mad small world this blog world! Happy 1st Birthday.

  75. I always carry a knitting project! I never know when I'll have time to do a few stitches..

  76. At the moment, more often than not, I have my bag in a bag!! My handbag, full of a lot unusual clutter, tends to get hauled about in a great big Orla Kiely Tesco shopper!

    Oh and I never go anywhere without a packet of baby wipes even though my youngest are now 4, I will probably still be buying them when they are all teenagers!

  77. Bizarrely I have a tiny plastic stoat/weasel in my bag. It's been there so long I don't remember how it got there...

  78. I'm also following now. I'm liking your blog & I found you through Quilty Pleasures. x

  79. I am a follower .. love your blog!

  80. The only interesting thing I have in my bag is my key chain which doubles as a bottle opener.

  81. I carry a cocoa butter hand cream but one of the reasons its been there for so long is because I never remember to use it!

  82. Mostly medicine relations things...nothing quilty.

  83. Happy Birthday! I'm a follower and really want to use your wonky star technique for a mug rug, I'm not up to a whole quilt yet!

  84. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [27 Feb 12:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  85. I always carry snacks for the kids!

  86. Dental floss. :) Thanks for the giveaway chance! :)

  87. I am a brand new follower of your blog! Looking forward to future posts...

  88. I already follow your blog. Nifty giveaway - thanks for your effort and generousity.

  89. Just came here from Quilty giveaways - Congrats on your blogiversary :)
    I try not to carry too many things in my bag, so it is just the ID, Phone, a small water bottle, keys and a Hanky!
    Thank you for the lovely giveaway :D

  90. My purse keeps growing. Odd things I carry: Small nail clippers/file, hair tie, cough drops, bandaids, tooth brush/paste, full size hair brush and comb, combination for a lock, paper/pencil for working sudoku, small measuring tape, minature screw driver set ... too much stuff and too little money.

  91. Oh! My bag is such a mess and catchall for all the extras. I always carry an extra pamper around (for my baby!)

  92. I carry very little in my purse, as I switch bags almost daily... usually just my wallet, phone, and keys!

  93. Happy Anniversary!! Nothing too special or exotic in my handbag. Lots of hair clips my daughter has taken out mid-day, pieces of jewelry, sometimes toy cars or tractors, Altoids, my wallet, a know, stuff like that :)

  94. Just had a root about in my handbag, apart from the usual rubbish old receipts etc I found 2 littlest pet shop toys, I don't even know how they got in there....maybe I thought I would be bored at the dentist or something ! Something to do with the girls I reckon and if we go out there is always a taggie in there for moo.

  95. Cor blimey that's a lot of comments!
    I just stopped by to say happy birthday :)
    I do follow you, what do I have in my handbag?? Loads of cr*p but always a spare hat!!! x

  96. I don't think that there's much of interest in my purse. Perhaps a wad of receipts? 3 sketchbooks? An emergency granola bar?
    I used to have one of those handy swiss army cards, but I have no idea where it is now (maybe I left it in an old purse?).

  97. I usually have a doll or some other item belonging to my daughter and I always have a tiny tape measure. You never know when I will find a great piece of fabric at the thrift and need to know the size!

  98. Yippy! I love second chances! I'm already your follower :0) Happy Blogoversary!!!

  99. In my backpack which is like my handbag I have sketchbook, pens, some sheets of paper,treats (lollypops :-))

  100. Happy Bloggiversary! What a lovely giveaway! Hmm, I don't think there's anything particularly interesting or unusual in my bag, just all the usual suspects - purse, keys, phone, lip balm etc. I always have a little notebook to jot things down in when I'm out and about, but I always forget to take my camera with me!
    R :)

  101. I carry the usual items - wallet, sunglasses, small makeup bag, plus a small notebook with calendar, gum and mints. Wish I could say I carried something unusual!

  102. I have a scissors that looks like a pen. You pop off the top and it opens the blades. It is spring loaded and is perfect for nipping threads. I leave it at home when flying because I don't want to loose it, but often wonder if it would get through security.

  103. Not exactly unique, but I always carry my Nook digital reader...I just can't be without something good to read!

  104. I have a small Moleskine diary that I always carry - very handy for writing lists or phone numbers. Not unique, but very useful!

  105. What a lovely list of bag contents!

    I laughed when I read Lynne from Lily's Quilts, as I always have a sachet of English Mustard in my bag - can't be doing with the Dijon if I should happen upon a bacon sandwich in my travels!

    I also always carry a paperclip or two - so handy to have a pokey type thing ...

  106. And I almost forgot - Happy Bloggy Birthday - I love being inspired by what you post - which is why I follow :)

  107. Hmmm something unusual I carry in my bag. Butt paste. LOL

    I no longer carry a purse as I just had a baby in December, so in my diaper bag I always make sure I have a tube of butt paste. Gotta keep that little girl's bum soft and free of diaper rash!

    Thanks for the giveaway. The fabric is beautiful.

  108. I'm a new follower and I look forward to reading your blog! :)

  109. Happiest Birthday to your blog, Kerry, it's been a lovely year! And some prettiness you're giving away, thank you for the opportunity to win!

    I carry in my bag all the possible everyday necessities plus always a ruler, some stamps and I'm ashamed to tell: millions of old receipts. I just toss them to my bag and once a month or so empty my "stash".

    Have a wonderful new week soon!


  110. Happy Blog Birthday! And what a lovely and generous giveaway! My purse doesn't carry anything quite so interesting. I think I have dust bunnies roaming around the bottom of it. Does that qualify?

  111. Happily following you!
    Thanks for sharing!


  113. lol...I had already signed up to follow you before I read the giveaway directions. So yay me!

  114. I try to keep my purse as clean as possible. i always lose those baby shower games where you are supposed to find things in your purse....mine just holds the basics: keys, wallet, date book, and pen.

  115. Happy Blog Anniversary! I also carry a small tape measure.

  116. I carry a turkish eye with me for good luck :)


  117. I am a non-heel stepping on follower :)


  118. I keep way too much stuff in my bag...receipts, candy wrapper, loose change, notebook for quilting ideas and grocery lists, you name it, its there!

  119. Am a follower! By the way, thanks for the chance to win such cute fabric :)

  120. I have just recently found your blog and I'm loving it! Thanks for the chance to enter this generous giveaway. I think the most unusual thing that I carry in my handbag these days is a nappy. My youngest is transitioning from nappies to panties so I always carry a nappy in my bag for emergencies.

  121. Maybe not interesting or unusual...I try each day to exclude every possible thing I may not need to make my bag as lightweight as possible.

  122. I always have a Sharpie ultra fine marker in my bag - you know just in case!!

  123. Happy anniversary! I'm not entering the giveaway, but just wanted to tell you how glad I am that you started your blog and hope it continues for a long time! The item I always have with me is a water bottle. I have one that filters the water and so you can refill it from any tap and it will taste good. I love to drink a lot of water!

  124. Mostly I just carry my wallet, keys, a pen, and tissues. Thanks for the chance!

  125. happy blogaversary,,,,

    in my bag I carry a
    empty wallet *spent money on fabrics*
    a brush *need to keep hair out of eyes when shopping for fabric*
    a tiny tape measure *just in case I need to measure something*
    Breath Mints *need to have sweet breath when I sweet talk hubby into buying more fabric*
    Credit Card *who can say charge, ME*

  126. WOW!!! I have two grandchildren...a three year old boy and a four month old girl!!!! It would be easier to tell you what is not in my bag!!!! It does not contain a kitchen sink!!! I have bandaids and manicure set...bottoms for both grands...a nose syringe and kleenex...a small tapemeasure and some paints strip samples...scissors...a themomiter...and strips to cover it...a few small toys and crayons....and all the regular stuff!!!! hugs

  127. I am a follower and I have a huge bag!!! hugs

  128. I always have my great grandmothers brass thimble in my bag. I love it!
    thanks for the great giveaway.

  129. Oh that fabric is ADORABLE! I have to enter to win! I guess my most "different" thing I carry is a small tape measure - just in case I have emergency measuring needs! I have this cute little one that slides in little plastic square case. Perfect for the purse!

  130. My handbag contains one little luxury from a time past when I used to think about myself/looking after my skin - Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream, which is my chap stick/lip gloss/hand cream.
    I always carry my Greenbaglady fabric bag too so I don't collect any more carrier bags!
    Other than that - child's activity bag, drink, snacks, wipes etc. Notebook, tape measure, tissues, pens and I dread to think what lurks in the depths!

  131. Happy blogaversary Kerry!
    I've checked in a few times and have now become a follower as I think you have a lovely blog (and useful tutes!)
    Thanks for the chance to win these scrummy fabrics.

  132. I carry everything you can think of in my bag! That's why I love a big purse :) But I can guarantee I always have a snack - almonds, granola bar, an apple - I get hungry on the go! :)

  133. I'm also a follower! Happy blog-iversary!

  134. I carry a journal/diary that is my 'bible' because of the monthly calendar & phone #s. I also carry my stash of lip glosses & lip sticks because I can never have enough color & I hate dry lips. I also carry my iPod, but sometimes I don't use it enough & the battery is always going dead...really a useless carry in my overburdened purse!
    Thanks for hosting...lovely fabrics!
    mistyfuji (at) yahoo (dot) com

  135. I'm a follower of your blog via GFC.
    mistyfuji (at) yahoo (dot) com

  136. Lovely giveaway!!
    Well I try not to carry too much around in case I walk lop sided with the weight of all my junk!
    I however always ahve my phone, a little note book, and a bag inside a bag for groceries on the way home from work!

  137. I carry a "tea wallet" for my favorite tea bags and some Splenda packets because many places don't offer tea on the menu or it is just too blah for a real tea drinker (I love the stuff). It is really cute, printed in a Japanese fabric, and compact.

  138. Ive signed up to follow your blog!

  139. Happy Bloggaversary and thank you for hosting a giveaway - that Japanese fabric is to die for!

    My bag tends to fluctuate from just having my purse, phone & keys in it to one that's bulging with the addition of wet wipes, a fabric shopping bag, snacks for the little one, plus any other rubbish she has thrown in there!

  140. And of course I'm a follower so yipee I get a second chance to win!

  141. Happy blogiversary! Glad I found you today.
    The most unusual things in my purse would have to be the assortment of food always there (emergency snacks like fruit bars, boxes of raisins, candies) or the plastic bag I throw in when i don't have to drive that has a needle, thread, and as many hexagons as I think I need to keep busy during a drive.

  142. And now, I've added you to the ever growing list of things I read in the morning over coffee. Reading fun blogs is a great way to start my day!!

  143. Thanks for the generous giveaway. With 2 little kids, I always carry some cookies, a pad of paper with a pen, and a matchbox car or too.

  144. In my bag I carry my phone, tiny makeup bag, and I always have lots of misc. random stuff as I have 2 young children. :-)

  145. I follow your blog! Congratulations on your anniversary!

  146. Congrats on your blog! I carry a little gadget that allows me to "search" for my wallet and my keys - which I am always losing. If I press the button, my wallet has a little gadget in it that beeps, same for my keys. It has saved me many hours.

  147. I carry quite a lot of stuff in my purse. Some things I always carry are tissues, keys (mine and my husband's car keys), coupons, wallet, cell phone, hand lotion, lip balm, lipstick, measuring tape (it's come in handy so many times), credit cards, checkbook, pen and mini notebook to jot ideas.

  148. I always have a book. I go big or small with my bag but it always has to hold a wallet, my watermelon burts bees lip balm, and a book. Of course now I have learned how easy it is to make hexies...

  149. I always have a bottle of water in my bag, also a book and a small project --- but that's normal right?

  150. I carry around a big fat marker. It has come in very handy a couple of times.

  151. I carry a mini pharmacy in my bag - panadol actifast for me, anti-histamine for the whole family, eye drops, band-aid, mosquito repellant.

  152. I carry my purse and keys and a pouch with the book I am reading. Also another pouch with a lip balm, wet wipes and tissues. It's not very interesting. Thanks for the giveaway.

  153. Besides the usual, I have my booklist in my bag. I'm an avid reader & keep my list of favorite authors & suggested selections close. Thanks for the chance to win some great fabric.

  154. I'm not very good and carrying a bag around. I probably should be better. If I did, I would put my tiny little hearing aide batteries in it. I'm sure that's not something that a normal 25 year old carries around! :)

  155. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway! Besides the usual stuff I always carry a 2 dollar bill an American student once gave me to give me luck.
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  156. I'm a new follower!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  157. I always carry my digital camera. I'm ready whenever a blog idea strikes:)

  158. I have a vintage medaillon of a boedha, they say it keeps you from accidents......

  159. I try to keep gum and bottled water in my purse. You know, the necessities. :)

  160. And I'm a new follower! Hi Kerry from the UK! I'm Kerry from the US! :)

  161. Happy Birthday Kerry's blog. My blog will be a year old in April so maybe I have to plan a party for it, too. Great idea. I hope it's a very happy birthday.

    So what random thing do I have in my bag (in the US we call it a purse, although my grandmother called it a handbag). Anyway, I don't have anything really interesting in there. I suppose the most random thing is fabric store coupons. You just never know when you're going to NEED them, right?

    Thanks for the giveaway. The Japanese fabric is great and I really love Sugar Pop. Awesome!

  162. I keep a tiny vial of sample perfume in my wallet. You never know when you may need to freshen up! And it smells good everytime I get something out!:)

  163. I am a new follower! Thanks for the chance!

  164. Happy Birthday to your blog! I'm a new follower :)

  165. I love your Swiss Card. What a great little thing to keep in your purse. I don't really have anything surprising in my bag. I do keep a pair of scissors and a sewing needle in there though. I like to have them in case I am working on a hand project while waiting somewhere.

  166. I carry a flash drive in my purse. Is that unusual? Thanks for the chance to win that lovely fabric. And congrats on your blogiversary.

  167. i love japanese fabric..^^ i carry umbrella, book, pen, medicine, purse in my bag..

  168. I'm here for the very first time! I will have to look around some more. Congratulations on your blogging. Blogs have meant a lot to me, and the friendships have been valuable as I've met several bloggers in real life! Fun! Let's my purse...nothing too unusual, my local quilt store key punch card; write-in small calendar book for keeping up with dates; my family calling card with our blog address info for new friends I might meet. :) Thanks for the giveaway. debgiro at wildblue dot net


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