
Thursday, 8 July 2010

Teeny Pincushion Tutorial- Method 2 easier!

How to make a strip pieced tiny pincushion 2" by 2"- Method Two (this is the easier method) 

PDF Download of instructions here

You will need:
Fabric pieces with images for fussy cutting
Scraps of fabric for strips
Water based glue stick
Paper- light weight
Disappearing Fabric marker or pencil
Quilting ruler
1/4 rule- optional
Stuffing- I use brown rice for weight and polyester fibre fill
Needle, pins, thread, scissors, rotary cutter/mat

1. (a)  Choose two images to fussy cut.  You will need two squares the same size as your central image.  Mine were around 1 1/2 inches.  Lightly mark the square actual size on the fabric in pencil/disappearing fabric marker.  Now pencil 1/4 inch seam allowances around the squares on the fabric.  Cut your squares out along the outer line.

2.  Using a small stroke of water based glue stick, stick both squares on to the paper.  Allow plenty of space around each square

3. Find the centre of each square edge and make a small mark on the paper.  Draw a + over the fabric square on the paper (not on the fabric!).  My lines were approx 1 3/4".  Now join the lines to make a square which is at a 90 degree angle to the fabric square.

4.  Prep done, ready to sew! Lay first strip over the edge of one side of the fabric square.  You will be stitching through 2 layers of fabric and a layer of paper.  Using a 1/4 foot guide will ensure your fabric lines up and just covers the pencil lines on the square.  You could use an old needle just for this stage. Repeat on opposite corner and then do the same for the other fabric square.  You should have a strip on the opposite corners of both fabric squares!

5. Now fold the paper triangles  back on the 2 opposite corners which you have sewn fabric strips.  Keep adding strips until both triangles on each of the squares will cover the triangles when the paper is folded back.

6.  Give the triangles a press  to make a hexagon sort of shape.  Now add fabric strips in the same way to cover the other 2 opposite corners.  Open out these triangles and press the square flat.

7.  Place the squares paper side up on a cutting mat and trim using the paper as a guide.  You should end up with 2 squares the same size.

8.  It also does no harm to zig zag around the edges- it makes the fabric a bit more resillient when you turn out.  If you want a hanging loop, now is the time to add it to one square.

9.  Place right sides together, leaving a gap for turning through, sew around the edge 1/4 inch allowance.  Press, open out the turn out part of the seam and give that a good press on both sides too- makes it easier for stitching it up in a minute.  Turn through and stuff.  I used a mix of uncooked brown rice for weight and polyester fibre fill for softness.  Ladder stitch the opening closed, you could use double thread here for strength.

10.  Stand back and admire your tiny pincushion! 

If you have any questions or problem with this pattern please email me (see 'about me' for my details) and I will try my best to help

(Please make for yourselves, as presents for your friends/family, for charity fundraising but not to sell commercially)




  1. That looks really easy to do, it's something I will definately attempt! Thanks for the tutorial.
    Kandi x

  2. I am grateful for the lesson
    is very nice and easy patchwork

  3. Oh, these are really cute. Beautiful!

  4. That's super cute! Thanks for the tute! :)

  5. Muchas gracias es muy lindo y fácil de realizar hasta pronto!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hi Kerry! Just found your lovely blog. Wanna say thank you for this great tutorial. And all your other very good work here. I'll grab some scraps and sew such a cute pincushion for my embroidery needles today!!!

    1. Thankyou! I still use both my teeny pincushions a lot.


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